Applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission to MBBS; BDS courses for session 2010-11
Eligibility: H.S.C. (+2) or equivalent qualification with English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology (or) Botany and Zoology with marks as prescribed by the respective statutory council
Selection will be made on merit, based on the marks secured in the entrance examination conducted by the university on All India basis. Course will be allotted through counseling
Prospectus and application form for entrance examination may be obtained either by downloading from the website www.sriramachandra.edu.in or from the Registrar on requisition with a demand draft for Rs 1000/- (Rs one thousand only) drawn in favour of Sri Ramachandra University, Porur, Chennai-116 or in person by paying Rs 900/- (Rs nine hundred only) at the university office
Application forms will be issued from: 25.03.2010 (Thursday)
Last date for issue of application forms: 15.04.2010 (Thursday)
Last date for receipt of filled in application forms: 30.04.2010 (Friday)
Date of all India level common entrance examination: 16.05.2010 (Sunday) 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Entrance examination centres: Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata and Pune
For more details visit www.sriramachandra.edu.in