B.Sc (Hons) Agriculture Colleges in India

Apex University

location_on Padmani VT Road, Ward 27, Mansarovar Sector 5, Mansarovar, Jaipur, Rajasthan

call (0141) 6660999 / phone_iphone 7353006499, 74138 74138

Courses Offered
  • B.Sc. (Agriculture) + M.B.A. (Agriculture)
  • B.Sc. (Hons.) (Agriculture)
  • Diploma in Agriculture  unfold_less
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Arunachal University of Studies - AUS

location_on NH-52, Knowledge City, Namsai, Lohit, Arunachal Pradesh

call phone_iphone 8731944477, 8131848860, 9311688991, 9540742220

Courses Offered
  • Ph.D. (Agriculture)
  • M.Sc. (Agronomy)
  • M.Sc. (Olericulture)  unfold_less
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Aryans Degree College - ADC

location_on Village - Nepra, Chandigarh-Patiala Highway, Between Rajpura and Banur, Patiala, Punjab

call phone_iphone 9876299888, 9876599888

Courses Offered
  • Diploma in Agriculture
  • B.Sc. (Hons.) (Agriculture)
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Assam Agricultural University - AAU

location_on Barbheta, Jorhat, Assam

call (0376) 2340001

Courses Offered
  • B.Sc. (Agricultural Statistics)
  • M.Sc. (Sericulture)
  • B.Sc. (Agriculture)  unfold_less
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Baba Farid College - BFC

location_on Muktsar Road, Bathinda, Punjab

call (0164) 2786021, 2786020 / phone_iphone Helpline:- 8081-100-200 / mail_outline (0164) 2786000

Courses Offered
  • Diploma in Agriculture
  • B.Sc. (Hons.) (Agriculture)
  • M.Sc. (Agronomy)
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Baddi University of Emerging Sciences and Technologies

location_on Makhnumajra, Baddi, Himachal Pradesh

call (01795) 247353, 247881, (Toll Free No. 1800-1230-927) / phone_iphone 9882271907, 9805098747 / mail_outline (01795) 247352

Courses Offered
  • B.Sc. (Hons.) (Agriculture)
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Banda University of Agriculture and Technology

location_on Banda, Uttar Pradesh

call (05192) 232312 (Registrar)

Courses Offered
  • M.Sc. (Agriculture)
  • B.Sc. (Hons.) (Agriculture)
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Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research - BIHER

location_on #173 Agharam Road, Selaiyur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

call (044) 22290742, 22290125mail_outline (044) 22293886

Courses Offered
  • B.Sc. (Hons.) (Agriculture)
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Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswa Vidyalaya

location_on P.O. Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia, West Bengal

call (033) 222269, 222666mail_outline (033) 222277, 222275

Courses Offered
  • Ph.D. (Agronomy)
  • Ph.D. (Agriculture Economics)
  • M.Sc. (Agronomy)  unfold_less
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Bihar Agricultural University

location_on Sabour , Bhagalpur, Bihar

call (0641) 2452604, 2452606mail_outline (0641) 2452614

Courses Offered
  • Ph.D. (Agronomy)
  • M.Sc. (Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry)
  • Ph.D. (Agril. Chemistry & Soil Science)  unfold_less
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Also include colleges offering following similar courses:

Total Colleges: 175
(Page No. 2 of 18)

Agriculture Courses Colleges in India

Agriculture Degree Courses

B.Sc (Agriculture) Genetics and Plant Breeding Colleges in India B.Sc (Hons) Agriculture Colleges in India B.Sc Agricultural Economics Colleges in India B.Sc Agricultural Economics & Farm Management Colleges in India B.Sc Agricultural Meteorology Colleges in India B.Sc Agriculture Colleges in India B.Sc Agriculture and Food Business Colleges in India B.Sc Agro-Chemical and Pest Control Colleges in India B.Sc Agronomy Colleges in India B.Sc Biochemistry and Agricultural Chemistry Colleges in India B.Sc Crop Physiology Colleges in India B.Sc Entomology Colleges in India B.Sc Entomology & Apiculture Colleges in India B.Sc Post Harvest Technology Colleges in India B.Sc Sericulture Colleges in India B.Sc Vegetable Science Colleges in India B.Tech Agricultural and Food Engineering Colleges in India B.Tech Food Science and Technology Colleges in India B.Voc Food Processing Colleges in India B.Voc Organic Agriculture Colleges in India B.Voc Tea Husbandry & Technology Colleges in India BA Agro Services Colleges in India Bachelor in Rural Studies (BRS) Colleges in India BBA Agriculture Colleges in India BSc Agricultural Biotechnology Colleges in India BSc Agricultural Statistics Colleges in India BSc Agroforestry Colleges in India BSc Nematology Colleges in India BSc Soil Science Colleges in India M.F.Sc Mariculture Colleges in India M.F.Sc Seafood Safety and Trade Colleges in India M.Phil. (Genetics & Plant Breeding) Colleges in India M.Sc (Hons) Agriculture Colleges in India M.Sc Agricultural Biotechnology Colleges in India M.Sc Agricultural Economics Colleges in India M.Sc Agricultural Economics & Business Management Colleges in India M.Sc Agricultural Entomology Colleges in India M.Sc Agricultural Marketing & Co-operation Colleges in India M.Sc Agricultural Microbiology Colleges in India M.Sc Agricultural Physics Colleges in India M.Sc Agricultural Sciences Colleges in India M.Sc Agricultural Statistics Colleges in India M.Sc Agriculture Colleges in India M.Sc Agriculture Botany Colleges in India M.Sc Agriculture Chemicals Colleges in India M.Sc Agriculture Chemistry Colleges in India M.Sc Agro-meteorology Colleges in India M.Sc Agronomy Colleges in India M.Sc Crop Physiology Colleges in India M.Sc Cropsiology Colleges in India M.Sc Entomology Colleges in India M.Sc Nematology Colleges in India M.Sc Olericulture Colleges in India M.Sc Plant Biotechnology Colleges in India M.Sc Sericulture Colleges in India M.Sc Silviculture Colleges in India M.Sc Soil and Water Conservation Colleges in India M.Sc Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry Colleges in India M.Sc Vegetable Science Colleges in India M.Sc. (Agricultural Extension Education) Colleges in India M.Sc. (Agriculture Chemistry & Soil Science) Colleges in India M.Sc. (Agril. Biochemistry / Ag. Biochemistry) Colleges in India M.Sc. (Agril. Meteorology & Physics/Ag. Meteorology & Physics) Colleges in India M.Sc. (Extension Education & Rural Sociology) Colleges in India M.Sc. (Fruits & Orchard Management) Colleges in India M.Sc. (Rural Banking & Finance Management) Colleges in India M.Sc. (Seed Science & Technology) Colleges in India M.Sc. (Silviculture and Agro-forestry) Colleges in India M.Sc. (Spices & Plantation Crops) Colleges in India M.Sc. (Stem Cell & Regenrative Medicine) Colleges in India M.Tech Plant Design Colleges in India M.Tech Soil and Water Engineering Colleges in India MSc Genetics and Plant Breeding Colleges in India MSc Soil Conservation & Water Management Colleges in India MSc Soil Science Colleges in India MSc Soil Science and Water Management Colleges in India Ph.D. (Agricultural Entomology) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Agriculture Biotechnology) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Agriculture Economics) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Agriculture Botany) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Agriculture Chemistry) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Agriculture Zoology) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Agriculture) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Agril. Biochemistry / Ag. Biochemistry) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Agril. Chemicals / Ag. Chemicals) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Agril. Chemistry & Soil Science) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Agril. Meteorology & Physics) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Agril. Statistics / Ag. Statistics) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Agroforestry) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Agronomy) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Crop Physiology) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Developmental Communications) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Extension Education) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Fruits & Orchard Management) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Mariculture) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Plant Biotechnology) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Plant Breeding) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Plant Physiology) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Seed Science & Technology) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Sericulture) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Silviculture and Agro-forestry) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Silviculture) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Soil Science & Agriculture Chemistry) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Spices & Plantation Crops) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Tree Improvements) Colleges in India Ph.D. (Vegetable Science) Colleges in India