Education - Questions and Answers

  • Q- Which is the '58th Largest University in the World'?
  • Q- Which Indian City is considered as ' The Ph.D. capital of India'?
  • Q- Which is 'The First Indian University, to become the Affiliate Centre of University of London in India'?
  • Q- What is Dewey Decimal Classification?
  • Q- Which is 'The Oldest Art School of Pune'?
  • Q- Which is 'The Second Largest Health Sciences University in India'?
  • Q- Who is regarded as 'The Father of Library Science in India'?
  • Q- Which was 'The First Institution in India to offer 1 year degree programme of Master of Philosophy in Physical Education'?
  • Q- When was 'The First Master’s degree course (2 year postgraduate program) started in India'?
  • Q- When was 'The First 2 years Post Certificate Bachelor Degree program, introduced in India'?
  • Q- When was 'The First 4 year basic Bachelor Degree program started in India'?
  • Q- When was 'The First Doctor of Philosophy degree awarded in Paris'?
  • Q- When was 'The First Juris Doctor awarded in the United States'?
  • Q- When was 'The World's Second M.B.A. program, outside the United States of America, awarded'?
  • Q- When was 'The World's First M.B.A. program, outside the United States of America, awarded'?
  • Q- When was 'The World's First Executive MBA (EMBA) program, offered'?
  • Q- When was 'The World's First M.B.A. program, offered'?
  • Q- Which degree is considered as 'The Forebear or Ancestor of the modern M.B.A. degree'?
  • Q- Which was 'The First Graduate School of Business in the United States'?
  • Q- Which was 'The First M.B.A. Program to require every student to have a Laptop Computer in the Classroom'?

  • Total Records : 121