Adjustment Letter Template


Adjustment Letter Template

Adjustment Letter Template 1

Adjustment Letter Template 2


Adjustment Letter Template 1

                             ---------------------------------Letter Head (Company’s Name) ----------------------------
                           -------------------------------------Contact Numbers---------------------------------------------

__ ____ 20__ (Date)

_________ (Addressee’s Name)
________________ (Addressee’s Address)
_____________ (Addressee’s Contact Number)

Sub: Refund of Damaged Goods


I have just received your letter regarding the shipment of damaged goods you received through __________________. I regret for the inconvenience that it has caused you.

As per your claim and details regarding the matter, it has been found that your claim of _____ for the broken furniture stands legitimate. We have already dispatched the _______ through registered mail at the address provided by you. It will reach at your doorsteps within _________. The damage to your items was a result of ________. It was an unfortunate accident and a big mistake that the items were not checked before delivery. We take all the responsibility of the damage and the inconvenience caused to you.

I must remind you to keep the damaged items in the same condition in which you received them until our representatives can inspect them. The inspection should take place within _________. You will be informed beforehand so that you can provide us the timings which suit you the most.

I am sure that this unfortunate accident will not hamper our relationship in the time to come.


Yours Truly

__________ (Signature)

_________ (Your Name)

__________ (Your Designation)

ENCL (optional) stands for ‘Enclosure’ which can be documents related to the complaint e.g. photocopies of purchase order, warranty card etc.


Adjustment Letter Template 2

___________ (Your name)                
_________________ (Your address or letterhead)      
________________ (Your contact number)

__ ____ 20__ (Date)

_________ (Addressee’s Name)
________________ (Addressee’s Address)
_____________ (Addressee’s Contact Number)

Dear _____,

Thank you for your letter about ________ and its _______________. As per your complaint we are supposed to repair or replace it as per the terms and conditions provided in the warranty card. We totally agree with the terms and conditions offered by us.

However, we have found out that the ___________ purchased by you stands out of warranty as per our records. We request you to go through the warranty card once again.

Once you are satisfied with our opinion we are willing to repair it for a fee of ______, if and when you want to. Our representative will pick up the equipment from your place and deliver it within _______.

Thanks for being in touch with us. We at ____________ strive constantly for the highest quality in our products, and we appreciate your feedback.

Yours truly,

__________ (Your Signature)

___________ (Your Name)

____________ (Your Designation)