Condolence Letter Template


Condolence Letter Template

Condolence Letter Template 1

Condolence Letter Template 2


Condolence Letter Template (formal)

__________Organisation Letter Head

 __________ Organisation/Your Address

 __________ Organisation/Your Contact Number

 __ ____ 20__ (Date)


_________ (Addressee’s Name)

________________ (Addressee’s Address)

Dear ______,

It is with great sorrow that I have to acknowledge the demise of your __________ on ___________.

________________ was commissioned on 1st July 2008. Those of us who knew and worked with ________________________ respected and admired his skills in the skies. He was an ace ______________ and he was merciless, hardly missing any target.


We called him _____________ because of his exceptional and fierce focus on completing the tasks he was given. He had such amazing _____________skills; it was as if he was made for the ________. He was very dependable and we could count on him whenever we needed. It is for that reason that he was often called upon for special assignments which only a guy like him could do. His fellow _______________ looked up to him and he always lived up to it.


Your son was true patriot; his name will always be remembered in the annals of the history. He fought hard and tough, giving tooth and nail to the enemies even during his last moments. Such valour and courage is very rare and I am proud to be associated with him and so is the whole country.

Please extend our sympathy to your entire family on behalf of all the _______________.


God Bless You and God Bless America.

In Deep Sorrow,

_____________Your Name

_____________ Your Designation

_____________ Your Signature


Condolence Letter Template (informal)


__ ____ 20__ (Date)

_________ (Addressee’s Name)

________________ (Addressee’s Address)


Dear ________

We here at ___________ are sorrowed to hear of the loss of your _________. Please allow me, on behalf of all of us at ________________ to extend our sympathies to you and your family.


Your _________was a valuable asset to this company and I cannot comprehend that he will not be among us anymore. We mourn the loss along with you and pray for the departed soul.


We are here to help in any way we can and do call us as if not anything we can certainly share your pain.



________Your Name

________ Your Designation

________ Your Signature

________ Your Address

________ Your Contact