Farewell Letter Template


Farewell Letter Template

Farewell Letter Template 1

Farewell Letter Template 2


Farewell Letter Template – Retirement (formal)

__________ Organisation Letter Head


__________ Your Name

__________ Your Address

__ ____ 20__ (Date)


Dear ________,

It has been ________years since you joined ___________. And for these past years you have been a trusted and a valued employee. As a face of our company, your interpersonal skills brought laurels to our company. Your hard work made a lot of difference.

You are a truly valued member of the _____________, and we all wish you the best in your retirement. It certainly is a loss for us as it is impossible to find an exact replacement. That is what makes you unique and all can say is that have a happy retirement and best wishes for the future. If there is anything I can do for you don’t hesitate to ring me up.


__________Your Signature

__________Your Name

__________Your Designation

__________Your Contact

__________Your email

Farewell Letter Template – Coworker (informal)

 __ ____ 20__ (Date)


Dear ________,

I wanted to inform you that I am leaving my position at _________. I will be starting a new position at ______________ in ___________ time.

I wanted to let you know that it was good working here and I appreciate having the opportunity to work with you. Thank you for the support, guidance and encouragement you have provided me during my tenure at __________. As I leave the company, I am reminded of the experiences and learning’s that I acquired over a period of time. I will miss you and the company; I am looking forward towards my new job and starting a new phase of my career.

Please keep in touch, it is good to have someone like you, it makes life much easier. You can contact me at my personal email address - __________ or call me at ________________.

Thanks again for everything.

Yours truly,

_________Your Name