Agri-Instru Corporation
50 Henry Street
Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604
28th December 2012
Ms. Elisabeth Shue
Vice President
Warner Weedhackers
17992 Mitchell South, Suite 110
Irvine, CA
Dear Elisabeth:
This is to confirm our business meeting on January 6th, at 10:30 a.m. at the Conference Hall of KLG Starlite Hotel, Asia Complex, Honolulu, HI. Our Senior Manager and business partners will be joining us.
If you need more information, or if there is a need to change the date and/or time or venue, please contact Lizabella, our administrative assistant, at 0106-857-010.
Until then Good Bye, looking forward towards our meeting.
Val Kilmer
Vice President
Agri-Instru Corporation