Retirement Letter Template


Retirement Letter Template

 Retirement Letter Template 1

Retirement Letter Template 2


Retirement Letter template due to Age Limit (Formal)

__________ Organisation Letterhead


__________ Your Name

__________ Your Designation


__ ____ 20__ (Date)


_________ Addressee’s Name

_________ Addressee’s Designation

_________ Addressee’s Organisation

_________ Organisation / Addressee’s Address


Sub: _______________

Dear ______,

                        I write this letter to announce my formal retirement from Rabble Dabble Entertainment Inc. as Marketing Head, effective as of March 21st 2013. The date corresponds to the clause in the contract under which the maximum age of employment is 45.

I have been employed with the incorporation since 2002 and I have learned and experienced a lot. Such an opportunity wouldn’t have been possible in any other firm. I am honoured and thankful to the firm, yourself and all those who have supported me all these years. The interaction with clients and co-workers sharpened my social skills even more and the lesson of teamwork has been absorbed in my mind well enough. It has been a satisfying journey and I cherish the moments of glory.

That being said I am still available for any support required under any capacity as I would like to be associated with the firm.

Please let me know if I can be of any assistance during this transition.

Thanking You.


_________ Your Name

_________ Your Address

__________ Your Contact

CC: ________________



Retirement Letter (Informal)

Dear Sir:

I am writing to confirm my retirement from my position as _________ (designation) with __________ (organization name) effective _________, ________. This conforms to the ______year contract agreement signed on __________ (date) between _________ and me.

As these_____ years come to an end, I remember the bitter and sweet experiences that I encountered while working for the esteemed firm as ours. It makes me nostalgic and I remember how you supported me with your wise guidance. I was a raw material and you shaped me into a fine work. Needless to say but just cannot help and appreciate your concern for me as a Father Figure. Working under your guidance I never felt like I am an employee and you an employer. It is very rare to find such humility. I salute you and the project your have undertaken.

Though my term ends on _________, my association with you and the firm is endless. I am more than eager to be a part of the project even after retirement. I am sure you are aware of this but just needed to mention it.

I will miss everyone and the bond between us, if my contract is not renewed.

Once again I take this opportunity to thank you and __________ for giving me the opportunity to work at this fine organization for the last _____years. I am and I will do my utmost to be of any required assistance from now up until my retirement and even after that.

Thanking you.

Yours Sincerely,

__________ Your Name

__________ Your Address

___________Your Contact

CC: __________