How to write a Thanks Letter


How to write a Thanks Letter

How to write a Thank You Letter

Writing a thank you letter is not a big deal but writing it in the most appropriate manner and as intended, is the key element. There are different types of Thank You Letters but all have some common basics which are required to make them appropriate. The information provided below in the form of formats and letter writing tips will enhance your knowledge and assist you in writing a thanks letter.

Thank You Letter Formats

Thank You Letter Writing Tips


Thank You Letter Writing Tips

  • Short, Simple and Interesting – Letter of Gratitude cannot be lengthy unless you really want to; after all how much can you thank a person in a single letter? If you overdo it would only sound superficial. By simple it doesn’t mean just plain gratitude with all formal etiquettes, it should also be interesting. Mention any relevant interesting anecdote or humorous punches so that the reader can enjoy it keep the whole letter to just a single page.
  • Be Specific – While thanking a person or an organisation it is essential that you are talking about only the concerned. Don’t meander with your words, be straight in your language and write only those things which are relevant to the person or occasion or gratitude.
  • Check your Grammar – Some individuals are very specific about grammatical errors. Spellings should be correct, common grammatical errors can ruin the taste of the letter for such individuals. Don’t use words which have dubious meanings or which can confuse the reader. Don’t use abbreviated words unless you are sure the reader will understand it. Don’t use slang words as these are not part of the established english grammar. Use the present-perfect tense, which shows that whatever you have written is happening in the moment. The right choice of words also matter a lot. Thanking someone for 1000 dollars shouldn’t specify the amount. It should show gratitude in the form of words like ‘Generosity’, ‘Kindness’ ETC. Quotes like ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’ and others which express gratitude should be used to express your thanks.
  • End of the Letter – If you think that introduction and the body are sufficient, then you stand partially incorrect. An explosive start with a dumb ending is mood killer. Closing should contain polite words which emphasise everything you have written. Always close with courteous comments like ‘Thanks one again, I couldn’t have made it without you’, ‘My deep regards’, ‘Yours Truly’ etc. and then sign your name.
  • Use Good Quality Paper and Stationary – Though a good quality paper and pen are decorative items but using an ordinary paper represents an ordinary communication. If you are using a Black Pen of one Brand or one Ink Type then use the same. Check the flow of the pen so that it is not about to finish. Similarly, if you are using a Printer then makes sure of the ink supply. Check the page in front of a light to see its thickness; it should neither be too thick or too transparent.
  • Typed Letter and Handwritten Letters – It is standard to type ‘Thank You Letter – Business’ and write ‘Thank you Letter – Personal’.
  • Absence or Presence of Letterhead - If you use a Letterhead, don't need to include your address at the top. If you're sending an email for thanks you don't need to include addresses and the date at the top of the e-mail editor box.
  • Get Tips from Experienced ones – If you are not sure how to start or what to write, you can get some tips from someone experienced person; though after going through this page you won’t feel the need of that.
  • Give a Final Review - Take the time to review your Gratitude Letter, rewrite or reprint if need arises. Take a break for 1-2 hours to start afresh and add anything you have missed.  You can also get it reviewed from your friends and family to get their feedback.
  • Deliver it in Time – Just like ‘Justice Delayed is Justice Denied’, a ‘Thank You Letter Delayed is Thank You Too Late’. If Letter of Thanks is not delivered in time it becomes useless. Sending the letter in time shows your courtesy, interest and enthusiasm. When the letter is delayed it shows your that you are lazy and doing it to fulfil a formality. This will not amuse the recipient and if not for anything else he will remember you for your delayed gesture.
  • Be Polite – Don’t use any abusive language whilst condemning someone else. This is pointed towards any mishap or incident during a social occasion or meeting. Though there is no need to condemn anyone but if it is a requirement to impress the recipient use indirect speech containing polite words. This will make the recipient remember you for the clever use of language.

Thank You Letter Formats


Business Thank You Letter Format

Organisation Letterhead
ORThank you letter header
Your Name

Your Address

Your Contact (can be positioned to the left, right or centre)

Date (can be positioned to the left, right or centre, before/after or at the start)

Recipient's Name (specific official or person) 

Recipient’s Address


Dear Recipient (Salutation)Thank you letter body

1st Paragraph – Thanks for contract, assistance in certain dealing, job, networking etc.

2nd Paragraph – Explain the importance of assistance, help etc. provided to you

 3rd Paragraph – Offer assurance of righteous decision in assisting, helping etc.


Subscription - Thanking you, yours sincerely etc. Thank you letter closing

Your Signature

Your Typed First Name Last Name

Your Designation

Your Contact


Personal Thank You Letter Format

Organisation LetterheadThank you letter header
Your Name

Your Address (can be positioned to the left, right or centre)

Date (can be positioned to the left, right or centre, before/after or at the start)

Recipient's Name (specific official or person) 

Recipient’s Address


Dear Recipient (Salutation)Thank you letter body

1st Paragraph – Acknowledge receiving the gift, service, favour etc.

2nd Paragraph – Brief description of assistance, help, gift, favour etc.

3rd Paragraph – Explain the importance of assistance, help etc.


Subscription – Regards, WarmlyThank you letter closing

Your Signature

Your Typed First Name Last Name

Your Designation (as required) 

Your Contact