Web Developer - How to become a Web Developer


From the most basic applications to the most revolutionary ideas, technology plays a significant part in our everyday lives. Every website or piece of software we come across was created by a developer- but what exactly is web development, and what do they do?

To the untrained eye, it may appear to be a difficult, perplexing, and rather inaccessible field. Hence, in order to shed some light on this intriguing business, we've put up the best guide to becoming a full-fledged web developer.

You've probably observed that, regardless of what's going on around the globe, technology is pervasive in our lives.

Whether it's reading through our favorite social media applications, checking the news, paying for something online, or engaging with coworkers via collaboration software and tools, technology plays a role in almost everything we do. This technology is supported by a team of web developers that not only designed it but also regularly maintained it to guarantee it operates smoothly.

People who can create and manage websites, applications, and software play an important part in today's technology-driven world, as seen by the web development employment market.


What exactly is Web Development?

The process of creating websites and apps for the internet or a private network known as an intranet.

Web development is not concerned with the design of a website; rather, it is concerned with the coding and programming that powers the functioning of the website.


Who is a Web Developer?

The work of a web developer is to construct websites. While their major responsibility is to make the website aesthetically appealing and easy to use, many web developers are also in charge of the website's speed and capacity.

We additionally anticipate a surge in web developer positions in specific industries as a result of the most in-demand products and services right now. Healthcare, media and entertainment, online banking, remote education, and e-commerce, for example, will continue to expand to match customer wants and habits in a more socially distant society.

Web developers are responsible for creating a product that fits the demands of both the client and the customer or end user. Web developers work with stakeholders, clients, and designers to understand how the final website should appear and perform. Web developers are thus adept problem solvers, always devising solutions and workarounds to keep things working smoothly.


Web Developer Eligibility

Though there is no specific educational qualification required to be a web developer other than thorough practical knowledge of a combination of different web development tools and software required to create a website, if you want to work with a reputable organization, you should preferably have a degree or diploma in Computer application (web designing).

But, the better the certification and experience in web development, the more opportunities for employment in reputable firms.


How to Become a Web Developer?

A formal degree is not usually required to work as an entry-level web developer. Some web developers have a degree in website design or computer science, but others learn how to code and create websites on their own. These are some measures you might take if you want to become a web developer.

1. Improve Web Developer Skills: Companies and clients typically expect web developers to have specific abilities that indicate their ability to meet website needs. If you want to be a web developer, these are some skills you should work on to set yourself up for success.

Technical Skills

  • Coding: For front-end design, common programming languages include HTML, PHP, cascading style sheets, and JavaScript. If you want to work in back-end programming, consider learning Python, Java, or Ruby.
  • Responsive Design: Consumers visit webpages on a range of devices. Sites should be able to appear as nicely on smartphones and tablets as they do on computer displays.
  • Technical SEO: Numerous aspects of website design can have an impact on the site's search engine ranking. Knowing how search engines rank websites is helpful in the job of a developer.
  • Visual Design: Knowing fundamental design concepts, such as how to use white space, select typefaces, and include pictures, will help you increase your marketability.
  • Version Control: This allows you to track and manage changes to the source code without having to start from scratch each time you encounter an issue.

2. Consider a Degree in Computer Science or Web Design:

  • While a degree is not usually required to land a career in web development, it may surely assist.
  • Whether you're currently enrolled in school (or thinking about enrolling), certain majors may be a better fit for your career objectives than others.
  • Choose a computer science degree program if you're more interested in back-end web development.
  • If you are more interested in front-end programming, you may pursue a degree in web design or user experience (UX).

3. Take a Web Development Course:

Working as a web developer does not need formal education. It is feasible to learn the necessary abilities on your own. For example, you may take a course to learn computer languages such as HTML, JavaScript, or CSS and then apply what you've learned to your own website.

4. Get Certified

Getting a certification might help future employers recognize your skill set. There are a variety of generic and vendor-specific choices available, including:

  • Adobe Certified Expert (ACE)
  • Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSD)
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) Certified Developer
  • Zend Certified PHP Engineer


Skills Required for a Web Developer

Communication: Throughout the project, web developers spend time discussing design concepts with their clients and team members.

Customer Service: A web developer produces websites for clients to use and should keep the client in mind at all times to obtain the best outcomes.

Detail-Oriented: Little changes in code, for example, can make a major difference in how a website runs.

Organization: Keeping track of deadlines, project tasks, workflow, and budgets is essential if you want to accomplish a website design on time.

Problem-Solving: When building websites, web developers frequently come into problems. They should have the patience and aptitude to identify and solve difficulties in design or code in a methodical manner.


Web Developer Tasks and Responsibilities

One might work as a web developer for a firm or agency, or as a freelancer taking on tasks for individual clients. Your chores will vary based on your job, but typical day-to-day obligations may include:

  • Creating user interfaces and menus for navigation.
  • Composing and revising HTML, XML, or JavaScript code for websites.
  • Adding multimedia material to a website.
  • Web application testing.
  • Troubleshooting performance or user experience issues.
  • Working together with designers, developers, and stakeholders.


Web Developer Career Prospects

Many web engineers begin their careers focusing only on front-end or back-end development. They may pursue professions as full-stack developers or in adjacent disciplines such as project management, computer programming, or graphic design.

Web development encompasses a wide spectrum of specialties. Understand the subtle distinctions to help steer your study and career hunt.

Programmer vs. Developer

These are interchangeable words. If your business card says Programmer or Developer, it suggests you can write in several languages.

Web Developer vs. Software Engineer

These phrases are occasionally used interchangeably, however, they refer to distinct functions. Web developers create websites by using code to accomplish the desired functionality and aesthetic appearance. Software engineers create programs, software, and apps and are less likely to work on customer-facing websites. An engineer post is often more senior than a developer role and requires more expertise.

Front-End Engineer

The term "front-end" refers to all customer-facing components of a website or app, such as text boxes, graphics, buttons, and banners. These engineers create the interfaces that people interact with. Front-end coding languages include HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Back-End Engineer

The mechanics of how a website handles information is built by back-end engineers. They specify how the site will interface with servers, as well as how user data will be collected, stored, and managed. Some of the most popular languages for back-end development include Ruby, PHP, and Python.

Full Stack Engineer

Congratulations: you are a full-stack engineer if you know numerous languages and have successfully created both the front and back ends of a website. These knowledgeable programmers may direct the user flow as well as how data is delivered to servers.

Software Architect

A seasoned coder in charge of the development team. They make high-level design and functionality decisions, as well as develop departmental standards and tools.


Webmasters are basically website administrators. Their major task is to keep the website up to date, as well as to ensure that the links and apps on each page operate effectively.


Web Developers Salary Prospects

A web developer's salary in India for a newbie is roughly Rs. 125,000, while an experienced developer's compensation is approximately Rs. 890,000. As a result, a web developer might expect a significant increase in earnings.