
What is the full form of ADT ?

Abbreviation : ADT

  1. ADT - Average Daily Trips
  2. ADT - Abstract Data Type
  3. ADT - Admission, Discharge, Transfer
  4. ADT - Androgen Deprivation Therapy
  5. ADT - Air Data Transducer
  6. ADT - Arizona Driving Trial
  7. ADT - Average Daily Traffic
  8. ADT - Accumulated Delay Transcription
  9. ADT - Agri-Business Development Team
  10. ADT - Ant Detection Technology
  11. ADT - Advanced Development Tool
  12. ADT - Aminet Download Tool
  13. ADT - Array Display Tool
  14. ADT - Advanced Data Technologies
  15. ADT - Application Development Tools
  16. ADT - Atlantic Daylight Time
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