Abbreviations start with B


Abbreviations by alphabet B

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List of abbreviations start with B
Abbreviation Definition
BCRD Basic Consolidated Requirements Document
BCRF Blood Center Research Foundation
BCRLM Bending-corrected Rotating Linear Model
BCRNM Bending Corrected Rotating Nonlinear Model
BCRT Binary Code Range Time
BCRU British Committee On Radiation Units And Measurements
BCRW Bridge Contacted Ridge Waveguide
BCS Bachelor of Computer Science
BCS Bowl Championship System
BCS Bowl Championship Series
BCS Basketball Championship Showdown
BCS Bar Crew Style
BCS Blame Coach Snyder
BCS Bowden Championship Series
BCS Baylor's Conference Schedule
BCS British Crime Survey
BCS Border Cargo Selectivity
BCS Best Climb Speed
BCS Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer
BCS Bragg Crystal Spectrometer
BCS British Chemical Standard
BCS Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory of superconductivity
BCS Breast Cancer Screening
BCS Blood Cell Separator
BCS-CRM British Chemical Standard-Certified Reference Material
BCSC Buried Contact Solar Cell
BCSCO Bismuth Calcium Strontium Copper Oxide
BCSFB Blood-cerebrospinal Fluid Barrier
BCSI Breast Cancer Screening Indicator
BCSS Battlefield Command Support System
BCSW Board Certified Social Worker
BCT Bus Configuration Table
BCT Bonneville Cutthroat Trout
BCT Bay City Times Newspaper
BCT Better Cable Television
BCT Best Control Technology
BCT Best Conventional Technology
BCT Body Centered Tetragonal
BCTF Breast Cancer Task Force
BCU Blue Currency Unit
BCU Basic Command Unit
BCUT Burden CAS And University Of Texas
BCV Business Continuance Volumes
BCWP Budget Costs for Work Performed
BCWP Budgeted Cost of Work Performed
BCWS Butler County Water System
BCWS Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled
BCYA Budweiser Conservationist of the Year Award
BD Bachelor's Degree
BD Bunch-Davies vacuum state
Total Records: 1718