
What is the full form of ATC ?

Abbreviation : ATC

  1. ATC - Air Traffic Controller
  2. ATC - Air Traffic Controler
  3. ATC - Active Thermal Convection
  4. ATC - Alcohol Type Concentrate
  5. ATC - Automatic Temperature Compensation
  6. ATC - Air Traffic Control
  7. ATC - Active Thermal Cooling
  8. ATC - Automatic Temperature Conversion
  9. ATC - Address Translation Control
  10. ATC - Around The Clock
  11. ATC - Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical
  12. ATC - Afghan Technical Consultant
  13. ATC - Anatomical Therapeutical Chemical
  14. ATC - Adult Training Centre
  15. ATC - Atsugi Technical Center
  16. ATC - Automatic Transmission Control
  17. ATC - Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma
  18. ATC - Average Total Costs
  19. ATC - Average Total Cost
  20. ATC - Accountancy Training Centre
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