
What is the full form of CAM ?

Abbreviation : CAM

  1. CAM - Crassulacean Acid Metabolism
  2. CAM - Characters
  3. CAM - Complementary and Alternative Medicine
  4. CAM - Certified Administrative Manager
  5. CAM - Certificate Of Advanced Mastery
  6. CAM - Customer Account Manager
  7. CAM - Content Addressable Memory
  8. CAM - Computer Annunciation Matrix
  9. CAM - Centrifuge Accommodations Module
  10. CAM - Computer Aided Manufacturing
  11. CAM - Carrier Aircraft Modification
  12. CAM - Christian Assistance Ministries
  13. CAM - Christian Athletic Ministries
  14. CAM - Caucasian Adult Male
  15. CAM - Computer aided mapping
  16. CAM - Commission for Aeronautical Meteorology
  17. CAM - Commission for Agricultural Meteorology
  18. CAM - Computer Aided Machining
  19. CAM - Computer-Aided Manufacturing
  20. CAM - Credit Accumulation Mechanism
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