

What is the full form of cc ?

Abbreviation : cc

  1. cc - copies to
  2. cc - Cubic Centimetre
  3. cc - Copy to
  4. cc - Cumulus Cell
  5. cc - Correlation Coefficient
  6. cc - Carry Clear
  7. cc - Condition Code
  8. cc - Clear the Command
  9. cc - Caucasian Child
  10. cc - Chief Complaint
  11. cc - Current Complaint
  12. cc - Cubic Centimeter
  13. cc - Cancer Center
  14. cc - Colorectal Cancer
  15. cc - Complex Conjugation
  16. cc - Computer Centre
  17. cc - Chief of Communications
  18. cc - Circus Chimp
  19. cc - Cartographic Catalog
  20. cc - Command and Conquer
  21. cc - Christian Coalition
  22. cc - Chief Constable
  23. cc - Carbon Composites
  24. cc - Corte de Constitucionalidad
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