
What is the full form of CD ?

Abbreviation : CD

  1. CD - Civil Defence
  2. CD - Community Development
  3. CD - Certificate of Deposit
  4. CD - Compact Disk
  5. CD - Cadmium
  6. CD - Computational Dynamics
  7. CD - Cursor Down
  8. CD - Change Directory
  9. CD - Cardiovascular Disease
  10. CD - Cause of Death
  11. CD - Condom Demonstartion
  12. CD - Controlled Delivery
  13. CD - Cluster of Determination
  14. CD - Critical Dimension
  15. CD - Contractual Data
  16. CD - Command Decoder
  17. CD - Center Director
  18. CD - Certified Director
  19. CD - Canadian Forces Decoration
  20. CD - Composite Document
  21. CD - Communications Division
  22. CD - Communications Department
  23. CD - Common Digitizer
  24. CD - Cash Disbursement
  25. CD - Cash Discount
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