
Message Writing

With mobile virtually in every hand be it a student of middle standard or a house wife, writing message seems a remote possibility. But this was a situation few years ago. The excessive use of mobile and basic phones has bring forth the inconvenience caused by these otherwise quite useful devices, that there use has been banned at many places like schools, offices, hospitals and many other places, where they are considered more of  a disturbing instrument than a convenience to the user. Thus although greatly reduced but the need of a written massage cannot be underestimated. Everyday members of a family, classmates, colleagues, bosses, employees have to write scores of messages for others. Thus, learning to write a short and clear message is a very important writing skill to be mastered.

Most often the input for a massage comes in the form of a telephonic conversation between two people. The vital conversation conveyed in the conversation is to be converted in to a message for a third person. Whereas sometimes standard instructions contain the necessary information for  the message. Such messages are written on small pieces of papers called memo-slips.


Important Points to be kept in mind while writing a Message are:-

  • Sender’s or Receiver’s address is not a necessity, only a brief salutation. i.e. Dear Uncle will do.
  •  Mention Time and Date of writing the message 
  • Include name of the person for whom the message is originally written.
  • Write only the important points without adding anything of your own.
  • Put the Sender’s name/ Signature at the end of the message.
  • Use numerals and conventional marks of punctuation in indicating numbers related to time, date, address etc.
  • Complete sentences need not be used always. Contracted form of words like I’ll, don’t etc. and abbreviations and symbols can also be used.
  • The choice of tenses could be present, past or future time, depending on the ideas/ themes of the message to be given.