Home economics is also commonly known as family and consumer sciences. It is the study and profession that deals with the economics and management of the home and community. So, the home economist deals with money in the household. The courses in home economics prepare students for homemaking or professional careers, or to assist in undertaking real-life responsibilities at home.
In the 19th century, home economics classes were conducted to prepare young girls for their household chores. Classes were first offered in the United States, Canada and Great Britain, later followed by Latin America, Asia, and Africa.
Curriculum / Syllabus / Topics / Contents:
The content of home economics comes from different fields. This interdisciplinary knowledge and dependence is essential because the phenomena and challenges of everyday life are not one-dimensional. Therefore the content of home economics courses varies significantly and includes diverse topics ranging from food, nutrition and health to personal finance; family resource management to consumerism and consumer science; design and technology to hospitality, human development and community services, and so on. The capacity to draw from such diverse disciplines is the strength of the profession, allowing for its development as a separate discipline.
The topics of study in Home economics include the following:
Significance of Study:
Home Economics is a vital profession currently enjoying renewed attention in the contemporary world where we are looking ahead to the necessity of improving the world in which we all live and herein lies the potential for Home Economics.
Home economists work towards promoting and protecting the well-being of individuals, families, and communities by facilitating the development of attributes and skills in them for their lifelong learning for paid, unpaid, and voluntary work.
The leading international organization for home economics is the International Federation for Home Economics (IFHE) which is an International Non Governmental Organization having consultative status with the United Nations and with the European Council.