M.Ch. Master of Chirurgiae


Master Chirurgiae or Master of Chirurgiae is an Advanced Post Graduate Academic Degree awarded for a course or program in the field of Surgery. It is also known as M.Ch. which is an abbreviated form of the Master Chirurgiae degree. 'Magister Chirurgiae' is a Latin term which stands for 'Master of Surgery' in english. The duration of the M.Ch. degree is 3 years including the examination period. The examination for M.Ch. is held at the end of 3 academic years which include 6 academic terms. Master Chirurgiae is equivalent of Doctor of Medicine (D.M.) when compared to M.S. (Master of Surgery) and M.D. (Doctor of Medicine), in terms of an advanced course. The course curriculum of Master Chirurgiae is mostly based on practical and clinical skills which will come in use in real life surgical procedures. M.Ch. Candidates also participate in surgical operations. Master Chirurgiae provides a Doctor advanced qualification in surgery.  All candidates joining the M.Ch. training programme work as full time residents during the period of training, attending not less than 80% of the training during each calendar year, and given full time responsibility, assignments and participation in all facets of the educational process.

Master Chirurgiae examination consists of Theory and Clinical/Practical and Oral.

(a)   Theory - There are 4 Theory papers, 1 paper out of these is on Basic Medical Sciences, and another paper on Recent Advances. The theory examination is held sufficiently earlier than the Clinical and Practical examination, so that the answer books can be assessed and evaluated before the start of the clinical/Practical and Oral examination.

(b) Clinical / Practical and Oral - Practical examination consists of carrying out special investigative techniques for Diagnosis and Therapy.  M.Ch. candidates are examined in surgical procedures. Oral examination are comprehensive to test the candidate’s overall knowledge of the subject.

A candidate shall secure not less than 50% marks in each head of passing which shall include (1) Theory (2) Practical including clinical and viva voce examination.


M.S. degrees, or equivalent recognised qualification in the required subject; Provided that where an institution on the date of commencement for these Regulation, is imparting five year training in Neurology and Neuro-Surgery, such institution shall continue to have five year training course.

Master Chirurgiae Subjects

Subjects vary depending upon one's chosen field of specialisation.

Master Chirurgiae Specialisations

Specialisation requirements:

Area of Specialisation

Prior Requirement

Cardio vascular & Thoracic Surgery

MS (Surgery)


MS (Surgery)


MS (Surgery)

Paediatrics Surgery.

MS (Surgery)

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

MS (Surgery)

Surgical Gastroenterology

MS (Surgery)

Surgical Oncology

MS (Surgery)  
MS (ENT)  
MS (Orthopaedics)
MD (Obst. & Gynae.)

Endocrine Surgery

MS (General Surgery)

Gynecological Oncology

MD/MS (Obst. & Gynae)

Vascular Surgery

MS (Surgery)


Who can and Who should pursue Master Chirurgiae Degree

Doctors who are concerned towards the health needs of the community and the national priorities in the health section should pursue M.Ch. degree. It is also suitable for those who have a spirit of scientific inquiry and are oriented to the principles of research methodology and epidemiology.

Advantages or Benefits of Master Chirurgiae Degree

  • Master Chirurgiae enables a doctor to become more efficient in planning and advising measures for the prevention and rehabilitation of patients suffering from disease and disability related to the speciality.
  • M.Ch. helps a candidate in developing skills in using educational methods and techniques which are applicable to the teaching of medical/nursing students, general physicians and paramedical health workers. This gives a significant importance to a candidates repute and skill.

Master Chirurgiae Jobs

The more advanced the degree, the more advanced is the earning capacity. If ones specialises with finesse one can easily practice abroad under various positions be it teaching, consultation or operating.

Employment Areas

Health Centres.
Medical Colleges.
Medical Foundation / Trust.
Non-Profit Organizations.
Nursing Homes.
Private Practice.
Research Institutes.

Job Types

Cardio vascular & Thoracic Surgeon.
Urology Surgeon.
Paediatrics Surgeon.
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon.
Surgical Gastroenterologist.
Surgical Oncologist.
Endocrine Surgeon.
Gynaecological Oncologist.
Vascular Surgeon.