ITI's which provides courses for Instrument Mechanic


Instrument Mechanic is an installing, troubleshooting and repairing instrumentation vocational trade. The duration of trade is two years with four semesters of six months each. Candidates are introduced to so many topics during the course such as inspect, test, adjust, and repair electric, electronic, mechanical instruments; inspect meters, indicators and gauges to detect abnormal fluctuations and the like so many others. After passing it, they have good career options including self-employment in form of private shop. They have good scope for further higher courses as well.


Instrument Mechanic Trade Eligibility

  • Students should be passed in 10th class examination under 10+2 system of education with Science and Mathematics or its equivalent from a recognised school board in the country.


Instrument Mechanic Trade Syllabus

Syllabus of Instrument Mechanic trade as prescribed by various ITIs.

Sem. I

Sr. No.

Subjects of Study



Trade Practical

Trade Theory


Introduction to the training. Familiarization with the institute. Layout of shop equipment & machineries. Syllabus, system of training, Examination, Types of work done by the trainees. Familiarization with the institutional Rules, discipline, cleaning & forming those habits.

Organization of the Institute, Departments various trades & functions. Types of work, responsibility to be undertaken, incentives and future planning of profession. Safely precautions to be observed in the trade both during 'theoretical Periods' and 'Practical hours/workshop hours' Elementary First Aid


Bench Work. Filing practice, Balance of Pressure, Filing surface & side & checking 90 degree by the try square (simple exercises involving filing & saving use of vice)

Basic hand tools, types, classification use & metal cutting fundamentals.



Simple filing exercises as per dimension up to an accuracy of +/-0,5mm. with use of Marking block, Outside & Inside Caliper, Trysquare, Surface Plate, Angle Plate, "V" Block. 

Measurement & measuring instruments, Marking tools, Fasteners & Fastening devices.



Marking & measuring with the help of Vernier Caliper, Vernier Height Gauge, Depth Gauge, Micrometer & Radius Gauge

Precision Measuring Instruments, gauge blocks, sine bar, dial indicators vernier calipers, micrometers, bevel protractor, thickness gauges


Marking & measurement with combination set, Vernier bevels Protractor & other precision instruments.

Element & types of screw threads used in instruments, Calculation of drill size for tapping.


Straightening of tube, bending & flaring of tube connection of tube with straight & other couplers, PI arc & Ferru1e fittings

Types of tubes used for instrumentation. Tube cutter, Flaring tools, swedging tools, equipment’s & fixture required for pipe bending, straightening, thread cutting, method of installation. 


Basic Electricity. Identification +Ve, -Ve polarities. Identifying and use of various electrical components, their symbols.

Electrical components conductor, Semi-conductor & insulators. Standard wire gauge (SWG). Introduction of electricity- static electricity. Current, voltage, P.D, E.M.F, resistance.


Resistance measured by the colour code. Simple exercise on soldering by temperature controlled soldering station.

Uses of multi-meter. Resistor, Resistivity and colour code, Types of resistors used in instrumentation.


Verification of ohm's law. Resistor in series and parallel circuits. Measurement of voltage in series and parallel circuits.

Ohm's law & Kirchhoff s laws. Series & parallel ckts. Primary & secondary cells and batteries. (Liquid & dry). Maintenance free batteries construction-charging, efficiency-use, advantage


Familiarize with various types of switches; construct circuits with SPST, SPOT, DPDT switches.

Switches and types. Magnet and magnetism, magnetic properties. Magnetic campus and its uses. 


Simple electrical circuits-simple electrical wiring practice

Principles of alternating current , A.C & DC electricity, types of wave forms , time period and frequency, peak to peak values, RMS values, Average values


Testing of inductor. Measure the values of inductor by inductance (LCR) meter.

Inductor and Inductance, types of inductors, Factors affecting the value of inductance, self inductance (L), Mutual inductance (M), Inductors in series and parallel, Q factor of the coil


Testing of capacitor. Measure the values of capacitor by capacitance (LCR) meter.

Capacitance, types of capacitor, unit of capacitance, factors affecting the value of capacitors, charge, energy stored in capacitors.


Study the characteristics of series and parallel resonance circuits.

A,C,-impedance, Inductive reactance, capacitive reactance. AC current through - R,L,C circuits. Resonance in RLC circuit


Study working of AC and DC motors. Identification, testing & running of Motors and generators.

Introduction of AC and DC generators working principles, construction. operation, field magnets, armature windings, commutator and brushes, EMF equation.


Experiments on transformer. Measuring current & voltage in primary & secondary windings. Jesting auto transformer in its various tapping Care & maintenance & connection of aula transformer and instrument transformer

Transformer, types, transformation ratio. Open circuit test and short circuit test, regulation Auto transformer


Familiarization with the internal construction of instruments

Basics of electrical measuring instruments types - absolute and secondary instruments. Types of secondary instruments, Essential of electrical measuring instruments deflecting torque, controlling torque, damping torque etc, Types of controlling torques- spring


Familiarization with the construction of PMMC instruments. Overhauling &. Testing Testing & calibration of ammeters and voltmeter of various types

DC instruments - 'D Arsonval meter, PMMC meter- working principle, method of working, moving coil operation.


Making shunt and series resistances of various ranges of ammeters.

Meter range extension - converting galvanometer in to ammeter, voltmeter


Use of Ohm meter. Calibration of ohm meter, use of megger & earth tester.

Ohm meters- measuring electrical resistance. Basic construction of Ohm meter, working method of ohmmeter.


Familiarization with the construction of dynamometer type instruments and MI, overhauling and calibration of dynamometer type instruments.

AC instruments - types of AC measuring instruments -MI , e 1 ectro dynamometer type, Working principle, construction, advantages and disadvantages of MI instruments and electro dynamometer instruments.


Familiarization with the construction of energy meter, ampere hour meter .overhauling and calibration of ampere hour meter

Electro dynamometer applications - as voltmeter, ammeter, power measuring instrument, energy measuring instrument, power factor meter etc.


Measurement of three phase and single phase power by voltmeter and ammeter.

Induction type meters -working principle construction and operation of induction type instruments.


Practical on frequency meter and power factor meters. Use of phase sequence meter & synchroscope.

Special instruments: voltage tester, continuity tester, rotation test, phase sequence indicator, synchronizing, the synchroscope, _ frequency meter.


Project Work

Sem. II


Trade Practical

Trade Theory


Identification of various types of diodes (solid state), checking of diodes, Verification the characteristics of diode.

Semi conductor, Covalent bond, Doping, Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor.


Identification of transistors, FET, MOSFET checking of transistors, FET, MOSFET, Verification 

Transistors. Defining transistors, NPN & PNP transistor, Symbol, operation, Biasing of Transistor & mode of Application.


Making half wave & full wave rectifiers, center tape & bridge full wave rectifiers.

Rectifiers: half wave rectifier, full wave (bridge & center tapped) rectifier. Voltage multipliers.


Hooking up a various types of fixed and variable voltage regulators & determine its characteristics.

Voltage regulators. Introduction & purpose Zener regulators, shunt regulators, series regulators, 1C regulators, variable regulators.


Assembling of a power supply unit, Trouble shooting of power supply units

Power Supply units. Introduction, purpose & use. UPS and SMPS, inverters and converters. and their applications


Layout of components' and preparation of PCB's. Surface mounting device (smd ) soldering and disordering.

General characteristics of an amplifier, Concept of amplification. Types of Amplifiers


Study of various types of oscillator as mentioned in theory

Oscillators oscillations, oscillation frequency, basic working principle and working of Talk circuit, Crystal controlled oscillators, Phase shift oscillators, RC phase shift oscillators, Colpitt, Clapp, Flartely, and IC oscillators.


Study OF various op-amp applications ,-inverting amplifier, summer, and differencial amplifier

Operational Amplifier. Differential amplifier, ideal op-amp. Op-amp with feedback, advantages of feedback.


Study various op- amp applications - integrator, differentiator Study timer circuits.

Basics of op- amp applications - integrator, differentiator, Introduction of timers (555) and its applications.


Verification of truth tables of various logic gate

Number systems, Logic Circuits.


Verification of truth tables for adders and subtracters. RS and JK Fillip flops

Adders - Half adder, full adder Subtractor - Half subtractor, full subtractor.


Introduction of Counters. 

Basics of Counters and registers. Multiplexer and de-multiplexer.


Study function of BCD to decimal decoder, BCD to 7 segment display circuits

Digital meters: displays


Study function of D/A and A/D circuits. Study of RS485 to RS232 converter.


A/D and D/A converters, Introduction, weighted register D / A converter, binary(R-2R) ladder D / A converter, specification for D / A converter, Ramp or counter type A/D converter, GPIB (general purpose interface bus) IEEE - 488, RS 232


Operating and installing various types of digital meters.

Digital meters: frequency meter, phase measuring meter, and time measuring instruments.


Measurement voltage, frequency using CRO. Study method of operating storage oscilloscope.

CRO: introduction and applications of CRO, functional block diagram of CRO, CRT power supply.


Identification of PC components and devices.

Introduction to Computer, Block diagram of PC, software familiarization of Multi Media System consisting of CD ROMS, DVD ROMS, Sound Cards.


Basic Computer

Computer Hardware, Computer systems, computer hardware, CPU, CPU operations, ROMs and RAMs, I/P and O/P and peripheral equipments, terminals, printers, MODEMS, Data interface, ADC and DAC. 


To familiarize with 8085 Microprocessor kit. 

Introduction to microprocessor micro computers, Memories Intel 8085.


Basic programming on microprocessor

Basic Programming of 8085 such as adding, subtraction of two 8 bit numbers, etc


Project Work

Sem. III


Trade Practical

Trade Theory


Study various types of instruments constructions and identifying various parts and section.

Scope and necessity of instrumentation. Fundamentals of measurement systems- functional block diagram of measurement system.



Instrument characteristics Static characteristics – accuracy, precision, sensitivity, resolution dead zone, repeatability, reproducibility, drift, Dead band, backlash, hysteresis.



Certainty/ uncertainty, validity of result. Measuring system Response


Measuring strain in terms of resistances. Operating load cells, LVDT and capacitive transducer.

Stress & Strain Measurement. Introduction to Strain gauges, types of strain gauges and differences.


Measuring speed and velocity using various tachometers

Measurement of motion, velocity/ vibro-meters and acceleration. Difference between tachometer and speedometers.


Pressure Measurement. Practical on various Pressure sensors and pressure gauges. Repairing, fault finding, Testing & calibration of various types of pressure measuring instruments.

Principle of Pressure in Liquids& Gases. Properties of matter Principles of liquid pressure, units of pressure Liquids pressure and volume, density and specific gravity.



Types of pressure sensing elements- bourdon tube, diaphragms, capsules, and bellows. Each on types, shapes, material used for various applications, ranges advantages and limitations.



Electrical pressure transducers. method of conversion, primary and secondary pressure transducers.



Low Pressure Measurement. Vacuum, gauges, thermal conductivity gauges, pirani gauges, thermocouple gauges, slack d iaphragm



Pressure Instrument Installation & Servicing


Flow Measurement

Properties of Fluid Flow


Dismantling, checking overhauling and calibration of D.P. cell/ transmitter. 

Head type of flow meters: working principle, types-venturi tube, orifice plates and it's shapes



Open channel flow meters-principle of open channel flow, weirs, notches and flumes.


Study construction, repairing various types of positive displacement flow meters. 

Positive Displacement Meters


Calibrating and installing turbine flow meter, vortex flow meters

Target flow meters, turbine flow meter, magnetic flow meters, vertex flow meter.


Installation maintenance of flow instruments

Metering the flow of solid particles. Measuring volumetric and mass flow rate of solids, volumetric solids flow meter, mass flow meter for solids, belt type solid meters belt type solid meters belt speed sensing and signal processing, slurries, constant weight feeders.


Measurement of level performing practical on level measurements, i.e. experimental setup for level measurements/ process simulator on level measurement Calibration of level transmitters.

Principles of level measurement. Types of level measurements-solid and liquid, volume and mass, mechanical and electrical type


Level instrument servicing introduction to instrument servicing. Maintenance, repairing and control

Pressure head instruments. Hydrostatic pressure, specific gravity, pressurized fluids, pressure head instrumentation, air bellows, U- tube manometers, air purge systems, liquid purge systems, force balance diaphragm system


Servicing level instruments in the filled gauge glasses float actuated instruments, displacer level gauges, and pressure head instruments.

Electrical method conductivity and capacitance method for measuring the liquid level, capacitance probes, zero and span adjustments, sonic level detectors, point level detection



Solid level measurement.


Temperature measurement.

Temperature measurement.


Temperature instrument maintenance and calibration.

Bimetallic and fluid filled temperature instruments.


Project Work

Sem. IV


Trade Practical

Trade Theory


Perform practical on experimental setup/ temperature simulator (real type and package type) for temperature

Electrical temperature instrument. Resistance thermometer, how it works, RTD bridge circuits, lead wire error, RTD elements


Measurements controls. Practical on Thermocouple and RTD. Practical on optical pyrometer and radiation pyrometer.

Protecting wells for RTD, advantages and disadvantages of RTDs, thermisters, thermocouples, Ex-tension wires


Measurement of humidity

Pyrometry. Molecular activity and electromagnetic radiation, defining pyrometry, effects of emittance, effects of temperature, wave length and radiated energy, pyrometers and wave lengths, using of optical and radiation pyrometer


Recorders and servicing



Final control elements. Study of control valves/final control elements and its various components

Final control elements in process loops.


Piping tubing and fitting

Control valves. Control valves functions and components, types' of control valves, based on valve flow characteristics


Study the cut sections of various types of control valve

Control elements applications. Feed water control system works, sequential.


Controllers. Practical on PID controller trainer on various process parameters

Introduction to controllers. Basic block diagram of control systems.


Study operation on cascade, ratio, and feed forward control trainer.

Controller models and tuning. 


Basics industrial programmable controllers.

Introduction to programmable controllers.


Basic small programs on PLC - logic gates preparation,

Input/output devices.


Small programs on timers and counters. 

Processing and programming functions


Installing & Operating HART transmitters/ devices (I/O)

Digital control systems: need of smart devices, HART transmitters futures, advantages, applications.


Study various network lines

Net working: types of networks used in digital instrument systems


Study and use of DCS & SCADA complete with communication system on process trainer.

Fundamentals of SCADA and DCS. History of DCS development


Study various field bus based control system through industrial visit

Field bus: futures, advantages, architecture, basic block diagram, working. Work station, Human Machine interface (HMI).


Basic Hydraulics and pneumatics. Practical on Hydraulic trainer.

Basic Hydraulics: Principles of Hydraulics.


Continue practical on trainer.

Hydraulic Fluids


Dismantling and assembling of various valves

Directional control valves.


Basic pneumatics

Pneumatic principles, mass, pressure, work and energy, compressibility, law of pneumatics, transmission of pneumatic fluid power


Analytical instruments. Exercises on PH meter, conductivity meter, On line measurement of PH, conductivity and Dissolved oxygen. 

Analytical instruments. Exposure to basic analytical instruments. Types of electrodes used for PH measurements.


Instrument Mechanic Trade ITIs


Instrument Mechanic Trade Required Skills

  • Students should be able to teach themselves about new technology over time. They cannot rest solely on what they learned in school, or expect other people at work to teach you what you need to know.
  • They should be able to solve problems as modern instrument systems are exactly that complex one.
  • They should possess good communication skills as they have to clearly explain the nature of a complex problem to other employees and then work in a team environment to solve that problem, because the solution to the problem requires a coordinated response. 


How is Instrument Mechanic Trade Beneficial?

  • Trade is beneficial as it gives good base for further higher studies like Diploma/Degree courses after its successful clearing.
  • They can open/run their own private work by opening shop for repairing mechanical instruments and other related work.
  • Candidates have good opportunities in industries as there is a lot of need of Instrument Mechanics in different sections.


Instrument Mechanic Trade Job Types

  • Industrial Instrument Mechanic
  • Instrument Technician
  • Instrumentation Technician
  • Process Control Equipment Mechanic
  • Machine Mechanic
  • Assistant Mechanic


Advance Course in Instrument Mechanic Trade