Which is the largest affiliating university in India?Who was the first Oriya woman top the All India Civil Service Examination?Who is known as the founder of chemical engineering education in India?Which is the First and Only Program in the World that educates about Major Information Security Regulations and Standards?Who is known as Magna Carta of Indian Education?Which is India's First virtual medical university?Which is the only IIT established in Himalayas?Which is the Seventh Oldest University in India?Which is the First Indian Law Institute to start Integrated Law Course in 3 different Streams and Honours Specialisation?Which is the ‘First University in India to receive the ISO-9001 certification’?Which is 'India's First Energy University and Asia's First and Only Energy & Core Sector University'?Which is the Second Oldest Medical College of Punjab?Which is the First Veterinary College in United Kingdom?Which was the ‘First Book of the modern era devoted to Veterinary Medicine’?Which event has been nicknamed as a 'Mini MBA program in India'?Which University is known as the 'Mother of all Old Universities in Southern India?Which is the 'World's Largest and Oldest Photography School'?Which was the 'First Agriculture College established in Rajasthan (India)?Which is the 'First and only Professional Photography Institute in India, situated on a mountain-top', supported by the entertainment industry of India?Which is the 'Second Agricultural University to be set up in Rajasthan'? More question about Education