Career options after BCA


BCA stands for Bachelor of Computer Applications. In this flourishing era of IT and allied fields, there is an ever-increasing demand for computer and technology fluent people. If you have a penchant for newer technologies and zeal to succeed, BCA is definitely your cup of tea.  You can show your friendship with technology and programming through this course. All the MNCs and even the smaller players need skilled professionals to oversee their work.  You will be assigned with the role of maintaining, constructing and smoothly running the websites.

BCA is a three-year-long course distributed over six semesters. Typically during the course, you will be taught about the programming languages, database management, hardware and software and all the related stuff. Along with the theoretical knowledge, you will also be trained in the practical applications.

Career Opportunities and Job Scope after BCA

It is an obvious thing for the aspiring students to ponder over the career opportunities in a particular course in what turns out to be the most important phase for a career. When you complete your BCA, you will be having the following opportunities:

  • Software Programmer: During your BCA, you will be taught primarily about the programming languages and their coding. This work is needed by the most IT firms. If you go by the data, there are about 45508 companies listed in the stock exchanges all around the world. And, there are a fair number of unlisted companies. At an estimate, there are more than 125 million companies in the world. Now you will have the obvious question. Why will all companies have an opportunity for me? Why not! This is the digital age. Every company wants to make its presence in the global community. For that, they need a website, a blog, a technical expert and a programmer. You fill in the gaps as technical expert and programmer. With your knowledge as the programmer, you can create, maintain and update the websites. The same work is needed in the big firms and small firms alike. Only workload and nature differ. And then there are the IT firms who thrive just because of the IT experts and Software Programmers. BCA holders are in high demand in all the technology companies across the world. Fresh graduates get jobs in MNCs and also get the chance to be their on-site expert. BCA offers you the opportunity to rule the world through your expertise.
  • Data Analyst: Data is currently the goldmine of opportunities. After BCA, you can begin to work as a data analyst. You can do any add-on course during your BCA or even after that. Data analyst are in high demand and in lesser number. You will be involved with analyzing, interpreting and also further functioning with a set of data. This can involve targeting specific people for buying credit cards for estimating the percentage of the population who own luxury cars. Most companies are investing today in data mining. This helps them in making more informed decisions about the business. If you have strong critical thinking and analysis ability, this is the job that will pay well. You will even have several overseas opportunities.
  • System Administrator: You can begin your work as the system administrator in IT firms. In this, you will be bestowed with the role of handling multi-system servers. Usually, in IT firms, there are several programmers working on the same server. Someone needs to foresee this. the system administrator does that. You will also be required to troubleshoot the issues. To keep the systems error-free, you will be asked to keep the software updated or even replace. In short, your role will involve the smooth functioning of the systems. Most companies need BCA graduates and then train them according to their needs. As a student, you can invest your time in learning different software and also hardware operations. This will help you in long run.
  • Software Tester: Most IT firms have programmers who make software for their clients. Now, with so much of work pressure and lack of specialist knowledge, firms need someone who can test if the software responds well. A software tester is responsible for testing the smooth functioning of the recently scripted programme. During this, he/she has to look for bugs, response time and design. A programme goes public only after being okayed by the software tester. When the programmers are ready with an executable software, they need a tester to confirm its efficiency. Now, it is not possible to carry on all the tests. It will involve too much time. So, a professional software begins the work by strategically testing it and searching for bugs. If you have a deep knowledge of how the software function, you will face no problem in getting a job.
  • Multimedia and VFX Specialist: This is the high time when movies, tv commercials and even the shows are using different VFX techniques. You must have seen the movie Baahubali. In that movie, most of the scenes were created with the help of image creating software. If you have a knack for these, you can definitely begin your work in the film studios. There are many firms who even outsource such work. Not only that, most of the educational publishers and even schools have got smart classes. For that, they need interactive study material. They need a multimedia specialist who smartly converts the theoretical material into the interesting interactive material. You have lots of opportunities there also.
  • Technical Expert in Banking Sector: Since you are counted as a graduate after BCA, you can apply for clerical and managerial posts in private as well as public banks besides being hired as a Technical Expert in both clerical and Officer cadre. For getting into banking services you may have to clear some entrance exam to be taken by the recruiting banks like IBPS Specialist Officer Combined Written Exam is taken by Institute of Banking Personnel Selection for the selection of IT- Officers in all the public sector banks.
  • Certified Ethical Hacker: Hackers are associated with malicious activities. But there is a separate class of certified ethical hackers. If you have an eye for programming and can notice even minute alterations, this can be the rewarding career. After your BCA, get certification from the SANS Institute from the USA. You are ready to hack into the systems around the world ‘ ethically’. You will be surprised to know that most companies and even government organizations have a team of hackers. Their primary job is to test the website and find out the weak spots where hackers may attack. The government agencies like IB, RAW have hackers who ensure that their website is safe from the hackers from other countries. They are required to estimate the vulnerability. In this era of internet, data security is the most sought-after market. When Facebook admitted that it leaks user information to certain establishments, the uproar was justifiable. Your personal data can be the source of valuable information for someone. These days, even the thieves steal money by creating a fake bank website. So, when the thieves are so smart, ethical hackers have to be extra cautious. This is a very rewarding career. You can definitely go for this one.
  • Educationist: If you are more into academics, you can also venture into the teaching field and become a Computer Teacher in Schools or Computer Lecturer/ Assistant Professor in IT departments of higher educational institutes. To venture into the field of education you need to complete the Master of Computer Applications or any other higher qualification required to be one and then go for a mandatory NET exam. Otherwise, there will not be much career growth option. Just after BCA, you can do B.Ed. the, you will become eligible to teach in the schools. That will be really fulfilling. You will be able to teach then young minds about the tits-bits of programming, software, hardware and also the computer applications. An added advantage will be that you will remain updated with recent developments in the field.
  • Technical Executives in BPOs: When you call some call centre, your call is directed to a technical expert. They are usually the ones who have in-depth knowledge of the system. BCA makes you accustomed to the parts and functioning of computer systems and also peripheral devices. You can also begin your work as the technical executives in different BPOs. Most of them are handling the jobs outsourced by some foreign company. You will get to interact with the foreign clients.
  • Freelancer IT Expert: Sounding not like a regular job, this is actually a very lucrative option nowadays. When the real estate prices are soaring and traffic is taking a toll on the personal life, freelance career comes to the rescue. As a freelance IT professional, you can create websites for different clients, make apps and even write technical articles. You will be surprised to know that apps are purchased by companies at a very high cost. If you have skills for making good apps and websites, you can begin to work. Initially, you will take some time but once you develop a strong network of clients, you will be unstoppable. 

In the words of the famous legendary Brazilian Pele, “success is no is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.”Always be in touch with the latest technology. Never say no to learning some new programming language or software. And, love your job. You will realize that you are far ahead of from where you started. Always keep in mind that you belong to that talent pool that thrives on the latest developed technology.