Wildlife Awareness and Value


Wildlife Awareness is an important and interesting subject of study. Wild Animals and forests form part of the vital natural resources of a country and as such, all the components of Forests are categorised under Wildlife. From time immemorial forest resources have been a source of human sustenance. They are home to the most amazing herbs, medicinal compounds, natural cosmetics etc. Forests and Wild Life go together since forests serve as a home for wildlife. Wildlife also figures prominently in aboriginal art, legend, and ceremony. Seasonal migrations of wildlife species have communal ritual values for people.

Wildlife Education deals with many issues like involves protection of forests and farming of trees to ensure contributing timber supply. takes care of forest resources by protecting them from fire, pests, disease, encroachment and indiscriminate felling of trees. The biodiversity of Wildlife of any country deserves attention because of our Dependence on Forest and Wildlife Resources.

Wildlife is The Least Understood and The Most Underestimated Source Of Sustenance. Though we depend on Wildlife we continue to destroy it and misuse it. Instead of Nurturing human greed and selfishness is causing it irreparable damage if not taken care of. Even those who understand it's valued tend to ignore or lack the will or resources to deal with it.

However Environmental and Wildlife awareness has shifted beyond a small group of concerned citizens to a global mainstream movement. Examples of such awareness are WWF, Greenpeace about important conservation concepts, such as biodiversity, sustainability, ecosystem conservation, and endangered species recovery.

Importance of Wild Life

We often don't pay much attention to this question as we consider it useless or if we do, we have a Limited or Improper knowledge. Wildlife is intricate and needs more focused attention which is not so tough when explained in an easy manner. Here we deal with this question.

  • Indicators of Environmental Health: Even though we have made so many advancements in technology, we still need nature in order to survive. Wildlife is essential to the harmony of nature. Wildlife acts as indicators of the overall state of health of Earth's environment. We need it to be healthy in order for us to stay healthy. If we did not have these indicators, how would we know the state of the environment? Therefore a healthy environment includes wildlife.
  • Source of Medicines: Animals are not meant for manufacturing medicines but the coexistence of animals and plants is important as it helps us in many ways like for example from wild forests we get important cure and ointments and if we destroy wild forests we will probably never find a cure for cancer or HIV or AIDS. Many modern remedies contain one or more ingredients derived from a wild plant or animal. One familiar example is aspirin. Its active ingredient is salicin, which is found in the bark of willow trees. The natural world is indeed a potent medicine chest.
  • Source of Medical Treatments: Similarly in medicine, the development of new drugs and treatments depends greatly on wildlife. In fact, most pharmaceutical products have been discovered or developed by studying wild species, not invented on the basis of the principles of chemistry. Certain maggots and bees are used for treating conditions which are not treatable by Conventional Medicines.
  • Conservationists of Medicinal Assets: Wildlife is important in the discovery or development of most pharmaceutical products. Certain species destroy pests which cause damage to vegetation which is of medicinal value thereby serving the Pharmacy Industries and Humanity as well.
  • Life Sustenance: Wildlife plays a vital role in the ecological and biological processes that are essential to life itself. Wildlife and wildlife habitat plays a vital role in the ecological and biological processes that are essential for the Sustenance of Life. The functioning of the biosphere, and hence the maintenance and enhancement of human life, depends on countless interactions among plants, animals, and microorganisms. These ecological processes are essential for agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and other endeavours necessary to human life. They also help maintain environmental quality by degrading and otherwise removing some pollutants and by preventing waste accumulation. 
  • Maintainers of Ecological Balance: Some of the biological processes in which wild species play a key role are pollination, germination, seed dispersal, soil generation, nutrient cycling, predation, habitat maintenance, waste breakdown, and pest control. Birds, for example, can be important in controlling insect pests. Majority of birds eat insects, some of which are a threat to our crops and other sources without which or lack of which can spell crisis.
  • Genetic Diversity: Wildlife and wildlife habitat are also important for the preservation of genetic diversity. Agriculture, forests, and fisheries all rely on crops or stocks that are adapted to local or regional conditions and that can withstand pests, diseases, predators, pollutants, and other threats. 
  • Source of Tourist Economy: Wildlife Recreation is an important source for the economy. Every year thousands of visitors visit National Parks and Wildlife Habitats. Birdwatchers spend money on accommodation, food, travel, and equipment. The presence of these visitors makes a significant contribution to the local economy. The influx of foreign visitors creates seasonal job opportunities and benefits the local economy. Centres where Wildlife watching, observation or viewing has become an attraction which also generates revenues. More active pastimes such as hiking, hunting, canoeing, or wildlife photography are some of the revenue generating sources.
  • The inspiration for Arts: We may not depend directly on wildlife livelihood but the role that wildlife plays in our lives is still very important. Through the ages, wildlife has inspired such human activities as art, music, dance, drama, story-telling, and poetry. It also plays an important part in our spiritual lives, at the very least reminding us of the complexity and wonder of our world. And many of us still hang out bird feeders, buying special seed mixtures, and volunteering on behalf of wildlife.
  • The inspiration for Exercise Forms: Yoga and various martial arts are based on particular actions of animals. Certain styles of martial arts are based on animals. Similarly, many Yoga Poses have also been inspired by animals.
  • Life is Precious in all Forms: We should also respect wildlife because animals and plants have a right to live. Just because they cannot speak or express their emotions like humans does not make them less important. All the Religions of the world advocate the preciousness of all life forms. If we cannot give life, we cannot take it either.

Threats To Wildlife

  • Global climate change is causing sea ice to melt.
  • Hydroelectric power developments
  • Oil spills that occur through oil exploration, development and transportation pollute key habitats
  • Increased shipping and oil exploration
  • Agricultural and industrial pollutants
  • An ever-increasing human population
  • Inadequate law-enforcement mechanisms
  • Lack of conducive mechanisms for public participation in wildlife conservation processes
  • Inadequate financial and logistic supports of conservation areas
  • Insufficient information for wildlife resources of the country
  • Lack or Absence of awareness about the values of wildlife

Ways to Save Wildlife

  • Raising Awareness: Spread the word among friends, family members and the school community about the value and importance of wildlife and wild habitats. Educators need to nurture nature and young minds through Wild Education. Providing easy access to knowledge vital to the well-being of our lands and waters is essential.
  • Conserve Energy: Use less electricity. Turn off lights and turn down the thermostat. Encourage school administrators and parents at home to use energy-efficient appliances. 
  • Tree Plantation: Plant a native tree in your backyard or in your schoolyard to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
  • New Sources of Energy: Explore the availability of “green” energy from wind or other renewable sources for use at your school.
  • Role of Young Generation: Catch them Young as the saying goes kids of today should be exposed to various activities of wildlife education and wildlife conservation. The youngsters should learn and be trained to impart knowledge about the variety and value of wildlife and it's management. Wildlife camps through their activities including periodic theory classes, practical works in upkeeping, feeding, animal behaviour studies, coaching on wildlife photography, can teach a lot about the importance of wildlife. 
  • Community Participation: Encourage community participation in the management and conservation of wildlife and protected areas
  • Involve Politicians: Write to members of Parliament for action on pollution and climate change.
  • Wildlife Curriculum: Including Wildlife education in school curriculum 
  • Appreciation: Appreciation of wildlife as a resource that adds colour and variety to the world brings a sense of humbleness to the realization of the interconnectedness of all forms of life. A sense of astonishment develops eventually by its beauty, strength, and adaptability. 
  • Discourage Animals Products: Using Wildlife products like shawls, ashtray, paint brushes, leather products etc. creates a market for them which in turn becomes an established business which influences more such activities. 
  • Vigilance: Inform the police or concerned authorities about any illegal activity involving Wildlife. Don't visit circuses as they have animals that are endangered.
  • Get involved: Join various campaigns and Donate money for activities related to Wildlife Conservation. Many websites like http://www.wwf.org/, http://www.wcs.org/, http://www.greenpeace.org/international/, http://www.peta.org etc. promote such activities Using their services like sending email greetings helps them in an indirect manner.
  • National Policies: To organize an appropriate forum for discussion and comment on the effectiveness of existing national policies and legislation for the appropriate conservation of wildlife and on the possibilities of updating information on the status of wildlife resources and assist in database storage.
  • Recycle and Reduce: Reduce, reuse and recycle. It takes less energy to create products from recycled goods than from raw materials. Encourage yourself and others to reduce the use of their cars. Ask them to consider an energy-efficient vehicle when replacement time comes. These steps will reduce the Burning of fossil fuels which will have a Positive effect on the environment.
  • Become Vegetarian: Vegetarianism is both healthy and a useful habit for conserving wildlife forms. Many delicacies and recipes are based on local insects, reptiles, birds etc. which have a major impact on wildlife and as such the whole environment. Many species are facing endangerment because of the human taste for flesh.

Generally, Wildlife has not been thought of as a major contributor to our well-being. But we are becoming increasingly aware of its many important benefits. Even from a strictly economic viewpoint, expenditures on wildlife conservation are justifiable. Money spent on wildlife conservation pay themselves back, with interest. The economic costs of letting our wildlife populations languish are far greater than those of protecting them. Wildlife must be managed as a sustainable resource. Sustainable use is a challenge for us to achieve, but it holds the promise of ensuring that human beings can enjoy both a healthy environment and a healthy economy. The choice is not one or the other. Sustainable use will ensure that the numerous tangible and intangible benefits of wildlife that we enjoy today can be enjoyed by future generations as well.