How to Remain Calm all the Time?


Today everybody is engaged in their own life. With a lot of work to do, there are a lot of apprehensions also. With so many issues to think upon, the brain gets stressed out and stale. In such a situation, it becomes difficult for everyone to remain calm. Despite this difficulty, it is very important to remain calm. Keeping calm will help us to remain stress-free and handle troublesome situations shrewdly.  It will also help us to combat many diseases which are induced due to stress and tension. The hectic lifestyle of today adds to the difficulty in keeping calm. But very simple modifications in lifestyle or very minute tasks can help in remaining calm and peaceful all the time.

Ways to Stay Calm in Life

  • An Optimistic Approach: Most of the stress is bought to us by our negative thinking.  We need to remove all the negative speculation from our mind. Instead of thing what wrong may take place, we should think about what good should happen now and how can everything be resolved. The negative thoughts in mind fill negativity around us. We envision everything around as negative. Even if someone tries to help us we feel that he is planning against us. But if we fill our brain with positive thoughts, we will consider everything in our favor. And consequently, if we feel that everything is in our hand, we feel stress-free, delighted and calm.
  • Every Problem has a Solution: If you face a crisis, do not panic. Panicking is not the solution. Being frightened will only give you more tension. More tension is equal to a weak mind. In such a state of mind, you cannot find the solution to the problem. Do not feel that this crisis cannot be cured. If God has given you a problem, he has given you the potential also to find a quick fix to the problem and surmount it. Whenever you face a crisis, your first step should be to find all the possible solutions instead of panicking. When you are ready with the solution to a problem, you will spontaneously feel the calmness in your thoughts.
  • Trust Yourself: Mostly, we panic because we do not trust ourselves. We underestimate our capabilities and feel that we lack the spirit, strength and the skills. But if we distrust ourselves, how can we make others to trust us. Even if the times change, the situation goes against us, we stand alone, and we should trust ourselves. This trust can fill us with hope and we will take everything positively and lightly. Then our mind can suggest us good solutions. Hope is so powerful that it can make you win a lost battle also. Hope can de-stress our mind and calm it.
  • Cease the ‘what if’ Game in Your Mind: Stop asking yourself ‘what if’. It does not give you any future prediction but just tension and pessimism. If you are going for an interview, what is the point in asking yourself ‘what if I am not able to make it’? This will only demotivate you. Similarly, if you are driving for the first time and you ask yourself ’what if I hit a tree?’ you will definitely get frightened every time you look at a tree around you while driving. There are chances that due to demotivation caused by the ‘what if’ game in your mind you may bump into a tree. This is all because of the panic shaped by the questions in your mind. If you stop asking such questions from yourself, you will feel calm.
  • Do not Hold on Things: If something wrong happened to you in the past, do not hold it in your mind for the rest of your life. Let it go. Holding it will only give you stress and depression. With such mental condition, you cannot expect your brain to keep calm. No matter what happened in the past but you are alive and life goes on. Time does not freeze for anyone. You also have to move on with the time. Fling away all the past unfortunate memories from your mind and make your coming life free from the darkness of your past.
  • Enjoy Life: Not everything in life can be in our favour. Everybody has ups and downs in their lives, you are not alone. Some bad moments in life are essential so that we can learn to enjoy the good ones. So you should relish each and every moment of life. The good ones give you bliss and the bad ones give you experience. Both of them are equally important. We do not have a choice to choose the moments of our life. But we have a choice in between enjoying them or getting blue over them. Getting sad will only give you stress and depression but enjoying them will give a feeling of peace and calm.
  • Nobody is Perfect: Everybody has flaws. Being imperfect is not a problem. Sometimes being imperfect becomes the reason for success in someone’s life. Maybe your imperfection is loved by someone or maybe your imperfection may lead you to a wonderful novel thing. Do not stress your mind in your desire to be perfect. You need to admit your imperfections. To fulfill the desire of being perfect is next to impossible. If you keep on stressing your mind, you will face depression. Understand that there is no need to become perfect. When you will understand this, you will calm down.
  • Meditation Helps: Meditation is a very powerful remedy. It works the best for stress and anxiety. A fifteen-minute deep breathing exercise done early in the morning is very beneficial. It works like magic. While deep breathing, more oxygen is inhaled by our lungs than normal. Oxygen has a very soothing and calming effect on our mind. We feel relaxed, stress-free, and calm. Moreover, it increases concentration level and takes away all the negativities away from you. Problems like headaches and insomnia can also be cured by meditating.
  • Healthy Diet is Important: Do not misjudge the power of eating healthy food. Switching from junk food to healthy food is a must for a calm and peaceful mind. The spices used in junk and unhealthy food makes you arrogant. Food with lots of salt, chili, pepper, and oil can affect your peace of mind. Switch to baked or steamed food instead of eating fried snacks. Cut the number of spices in your meal. Include more fresh fruits and green vegetables. Complex carbohydrates like whole grains, potatoes, and corn produce serotonin which enhances your mood. Foods rich in vitamin B12 and omega 3 fats are a great supplement for decreasing stress and depression.
  • Take a Sound Sleep: Sleeping is the best way to relax. Sleeping heals stress and anxiety seamlessly. A good six to eight hours sleep is a must for all. Sleeping should not be neglected no matter what the situation. Many students do not sleep the night before an exam to study, and in the morning their mind is full of stress. With such a heavy mind they cannot attempt the paper well. They lack the calmness in their minds to attempt the paper well. A good long sleep in the night or a short nap in the day can wipe away every negativity, stress, and anxiety from your mind and leave you with a fresh and calm mind when you get up.
  • The Music Therapy: Music produces a sensation in mind. It produces a positive energy in the mind. Listening to music in the worse situations can help a lot. When you are sad put some loud energetic music and start dancing. You will start to feel better in just a few minutes. Listening to slow instrumental music while you are angry will calm down your mind. It has been medically proven that music is a nice way to treat depression and stay calm.
  • Avoid Caffeine Intake: Most of the people run for a coffee or an energy drink when they feel fatigued. These drinks contain a lot of caffeine in them. Caffeine triggers the production of adrenaline in the body. It gives us an instant burst of energy. They may give us an instantaneous benefit but are harmful to us in the long run. Large intake of caffeine can affect our sleeping routine and can increase our mental stress. If you want a peaceful and calm mind, switch to water and fruit juices instead of coffee and other energy drinks.
  • Share Your Problems: Never think you are unaccompanied. You have your family members and friends to support you. Your parents will always support you. If you have any problem, share it with your loved ones. Do not think that they will make fun of you. They may not give you the solutions to your problems but they will definitely support you and you will not feel alone. You will also feel relaxed and calm after sharing your problems with them.
  • Stay away from Negative People: There will be many people who will be jealous of you or who do not like you. Such people always feel your mind with negative thoughts. They may make you stressed and depressed. They may play with your emotions. They steal your peace of mind. It is advised to stay away from such people. Ignore them. Do not let them interfere in your life. If you will avoid the, automatically you will cut down the negativity around you. Once the negativity is omitted from your life, you will start getting your peace of mind back.

A calm and peaceful mind is very essential. It helps you to give your best in your work. But today’s lifestyle is full of tensions and anxiety. In such a routine, it is difficult to keep up the peace of mind. Mostly it is our attitude which avoids us from being calm and relaxed. Changing our lifestyle just by some few little steps we can attain the peace of mind and calmness we want. You need to have a lot of serenity in you to stay calm. No matter how worse the situation gets you should not panic and handle it wisely. Keeping calm will give you the extra intelligence which is required to survive in the changing lifestyle and make you comfortable in it.