Is Money Most Important Aspect for Job?


We often come across the very general question that “how much do you earn”, this is a very common question that we all come across a lot of times. No one is concerned about what you do, but your salary packages do matter a lot in your life. This is the reason that gives rise to a debatable topic that “Is money the most important aspect of the job”. Although money is very important for our life, without money we can do nothing, there are some important aspects of the job, such as environment, interest, benefits and so on but still, there is a debate if money is the most important aspect or not. Money means a lot in today’s life, people can’t live in the world without money you can’t do anything without money. Money is the motive power of life and with a lot of money; definitely, you can live a better life. So sometimes it is considered that money is an important aspect, but is it right to say that the most important aspect?

From past to present it has been witnessed that most people find or change a job in order to get a better payment. Salary has become an important issue, a lot of parent’s judge achievement of their children by their salaries. Even our society judges the success of a person from his salary or the amount of money that a person earns. Is money the most important aspect of a job? The answer to this question for some people is yes and for some is no. it is simply not possible that every individual will have the same view on this topic. Some people have thought that the most important aspect of that job is salary or money, it doesn’t matter for them they love it or not. While on the other hand there are people who think money is not the most important part. The most aspect of the job is that they should love it and at the same time enjoy doing it. As we have a popular saying that love what you do to do it well.

No one can deny the important role money plays in his daily life. With money, one can take care of oneself and one`s family. Without earning money from work, most people may not be able to survive in the world. We live in a big society that is composed of people from all walks of life. Different jobs have different functions in this society. The most important aspect of working is earning money that people could pay for what they need in their lives and hold their family spending. And we could also use the money for our entertainment or achieve our dreams, that is the things that we always dream about. Money also provides a means of helping other people in need. After you had enough money and a wonderful life, you could also use the money to help other people in needs. You cannot help anyone if you are yourself in need of help. And also we can also use the money to build a better environment, beautiful green parks, buildings and other things that make our environment a better place to live.

Importance of Money in Life

Money plays an important role in life. Without money in hand, it is simply not possible to imagine even a day. You cannot do anything without money. Earning decent amounts of money is important because we have to survive and support our basic needs of living that can only be fulfilled if we have money in our hand. We can buy anything we want and let our families have better lives. Most of the luxuries of life come with money; even the necessities of life are also dependent on the money that we earn. It also does not make sense doing something you like without adequate financial reward, if you are not earning enough to get a good life for you and family then what’s the point following your interest at the cost of a deprived lifestyle of your family. Of course how much is adequate is dependent on the individual's point of view. So if the job is unfulfilling either financially or from a philosophical point of view, the individual will feel unsatisfied which will also lead to lack of interest in the work and eventually a fall in work efficiency.

For many of us, the money aspect of a job is very important. Our basic needs of life are dependent on the money that we earn thus we need the money to cover our day to day living expenses. So money is certainly a very important aspect of the job. And even if people are very well of they will still want adequate pay for the hours they put in and the skills they bring to a job. Nowadays when a person looks for a job he prefers a high income to any other aspects of a job, although, some people say that money is the root of all evil, even so, it is realized that one cannot survive without it. People need money to purchase material items, food to survive and even entertainment. There were days when money had less importance to a person than today, but as time is passing each and everything has become so expensive that one has to give more preference to money than any other aspects.

Cost of living is increasing day by day and even our desires are also increasing. Today no one wants to have a life without luxury. Television, mobile, internet, vehicles, entertainment have become an important part of our lives and we cannot live without these things and without money, it is not possible to buy these luxury items. Although money is of a great importance to us one thing we need to keep in mind that we should not develop so much lust for money that we would be willing to do anything for money and may even take a wrong path for money. It is very important to earn money without compromising your principles and morals.

Aspects of Job apart from Money

No one can deny the important role that money plays in the life of an individual. But, when you take various other aspects of a job into consideration, such as the precious skills and experiences one gain from that job, the prospect of the job and the social status, you may doubt whether the money is the most important? Most of the people don’t agree with the statement and doubt whether it can bear much analysis. If you choose a job which makes lots of money, but you are not interested in this job then it is obvious that you would not feel really happy and you may feel sick and tired after a work day. Besides, you would work like a robot with no professional achievement or enhancement in your knowledge and experience. So interest is more important than money when choosing a job. Only when you have an interest in your job then only you put in all your efforts and hard work which would ultimately lead to higher efficiency and obviously a good salary.

It is really important to understand that money is not everything in our life. However, if we choose a job just depend on money, there is a chance that we may pick up a wrong path and probably break the law. There is a great chance that we would do something illegal in order to make more money. Thus it is essential to realize that morality is more important than money. If everyone starts getting money minded then there won’t be a balance in our society. We live in a diverse society with the diversity of people and jobs, the function of cleaners is to keep the city clean and tidy; the function of soldiers is to maintain the safety and peace of the society. Maybe they earn less money than the businessmen, but they still work heart and soul in their duties and give a great contribution towards the society that makes them work that hard. This is how a perfect society works.

Everyone has to get enough money to survive. There can be cases when money is an important aspect of money. If a person is currently living in a miserable condition and, out of his desperate desire for money, he accepts a job offer; the most important aspect of his job is most probably the money. And there is nothing morally wrong with that. The demand for money should surely prevail in this case. However, the need for a certain minimum level of salary is only one of the considerations that people make when choosing jobs. So it is best, if possible, to choose a job that is adequately satisfying in both regards. One should choose in such a way that a person should remain happy with his job and work and at the same time is also earning a good salary that would provide a good and healthy lifestyle for him and his family.

In conclusion, money is one of the most important factors to have a good life and to live calm. But somewhere, there are things that are equally important or at times even more important than money. It is true that we all study hard to get a good career and a good life. These days it is simply not possible to have a good living without money. Hence money plays an important part in our lives. But at the same time, it is also important that the money you earn is from fair means and you the job that you are in is a satisfying job. We have to understand what we want, what gives us a pleasure and then to try to reach the highest level. If you do not enjoy that you do, then you would never be able to reach higher levels at your workplace. Also if you are in need of money you won’t go out following your passion. Hence it is better if you try to strike a balance between the two. Find a decent job that pays you good and gives out your best to your job.