Career Options in Music Industry


Music is one of the greatest human achievements. Music can create emotions and express feelings. It also soothes the mind. Music today has turned out to be a great career option. With the immense growth of the entertainment industry, a career in music is increasingly turning out to be a good option. Success in the field of music can be surely achieved with the talent, genuine interest, sincerity and willingness to work hard. Having an inborn talent to sing is a wonderful gift. But making a career out of this talent demands a lot of practice and hard work. Joining an institution and getting training is one of the first steps towards making a career in Music but the man emphasis should be real dedication and commitment. A person who wants to make his career in music should have a genuine love for music, a musical sense, which means a sense of time and rhythm, creative ability and also stage confidence.

Career Options in Music Industry

Just as there is a wide variety of forms in music like classical, folk, jazz, rock, pop, fusion etc, in the same way, there are also a variety of opportunities in this field. There are numerous career options in this industry as discussed below.

  • Composer: A composer is who writes and arrange original music in a variety of musical styles. They create original music ranging from pop to jazz to classical. The musical themes and background music for television shows are created by composers. A composer's job is to help tell a story in a film, television story, play or video game without distracting the viewer. The soundtrack they create must suit the project and convey the appropriate mood and tone. The qualities like patience, musical talent, knowledge of instruments, networking, and marketing, singing etc should be present in a composer. A bachelor's degree in music composition will be needed to become a professional composer. A music composer can earn around Rs.7,00,000 annually, rest depends upon the work and experience.
  • Producer: Music producer oversees all aspects of a recording session, from planning the sessions to the finished product. As a music producer, you will be responsible for providing instruments, scheduling studio times and handling funds, costs and other expenses. A music producer should possess in-depth knowledge of music, be a musician with performance experience and know everything there is to know about recording equipment and sound engineering. The final product you produce should be the creation and publication of a quality musical work. A major aspect of your job as a music producer is creating quality sounds that satisfy the all other members. A degree such as the Bachelor of Music in Music Production and Engineering or Music Business will be helpful in you want to become a music producer. An experienced producer can earn up to Rs.12,00,000 per year.
  • Musician or Singer: Musicians and singers play instruments or sing for live audiences and in recording studios. They perform in a variety of styles, such as classical, jazz, opera, hip-hop, or rock. It is the job of musicians to play instruments as well as sometimes sing songs for both live audiences and during recording sessions. Whereas, a singer performs the lead vocals of a song. A singer sings the main vocal line of a track. He or she is the main focus of the performance, in contrast to a band, which has regular members who tour, record, and generally play equal roles in a performance together. A bachelor's degree in Music theory or Music performance is recommended. The annual income of a singer or musician totally depends upon the capability and talent of the singer.
  • Sound Designer: The Sound Designers are responsible for obtaining all sound effects, whether recorded or live for a specific production. They are also responsible for setting up the sound playback equipment and must make sure the board operator is properly trained. Sound Designing is an artistic component of the production. The Sound Designer needs to have the imagination to create sound effects and not just rerecord them. An important part of understanding and realizing the director's creative vision for the atmosphere of a film, good sound recording can save a production time and money in post-production. For a sound designer, a good understanding of electronics and sound recording, playback and editing equipment excellent aural skills and ability to give and accept direction should be there. A bachelor's and master's degrees in sound design are needed to become a sound designer. A sound designer can earn up to Rs.6,00,000 per year.
  • Music Director: Music Directors are also known as conductors, they lead musical groups such as orchestras etc. They select music to perform, arrange performances and work with musicians to ensure that they perform well. They also lead rehearsals and performances. They are often responsible for many of the administrative details of leading the musical group. Music directors work with a variety of different types of musical groups, including school bands, youth orchestras, and performance companies, or may even work for a television or radio shows. A successful music director is creative, tenacious and dependable. They have the excellent interpersonal skill and shine in front of a crowd. A music director in the performing arts tends to have a master's and PhD in musical programs like conducting, music theory, music composition, or in a specific instrument. An average annual salary of a music director is around Rs.9,00,000.
  • Music Editor: Music Editors help directors to achieve their musical ambitions on films and provide a crucial link between the film and the composer. They structure the soundtrack, ensuring that all the components work together. For film music to work successfully it must be beautifully written, well performed and appropriate to the story and setting. In addition, it must be very carefully placed within the film, in order to complement the action, rather than detract from it. Their responsibilities vary according to each film's musical content and budget. They are usually responsible for all the music featured on film soundtracks, including performed music, all sourced and the score, written by the composer specifically for the film. A bachelor’s degree in the relevant field is required for pursuing your career as a music editor. A music editor can make up to Rs.6,00,000 yearly.
  • Music Teacher: Music teachers provide music lessons about how to sing or play a musical instrument to pupils i.e. adults and children within home, school or college. Some music teachers also teach people about music theory. They are responsible for teaching people instrumental techniques, scales, sight reading, and music theory, the majority of music teachers help pupils to prepare for music examinations, auditions, and live performances. Some might even teach people about recording software, such as Pro Tools and Logic. While sharing the gift of music can be rewarding and fulfilling, teaching music isn't just about music. You'll need to have effective classroom management skills and know how to assess and grade your students' progress. Music teachers need to have at least a bachelor's degree in music education, but many teachers also earn master's degrees or doctoral degrees in music performance or music education. A music teacher can earn near about Rs.4,50,000 per year.
  • Recording Engineer: The job of a recording engineer is not only to record audio but to edit and mix it in such a way as to make the audio sound the best it possibly can. You will set up and operate sound equipment in live events, recordings or post-production to ensure the best acoustic result. The equipment typically used by recording engineer includes digital recorders, listening equipment, mixing boards, and sophisticated computer programs and software. The recording engineer must carefully balance art and science and be able to communicate and understand the artist's needs in order to make their musical dreams a reality. It requires a bachelor’s degree in computer, engineering or information science or equivalent. The average salary for a Sound Engineer is Rs.4,00,000 per year.
  • Music Studio Manager: Studio Managers ensure the studio runs efficiently by overseeing building maintenance and studio prep ahead of sessions. Studio managers working in the music industry usually oversee the recording studio and schedule artists for recording. Some music studio managers are also owners of the recording studios. They also oversee the marketing and advertising, designing budgets and acting as the link between clients and the engineers. Because they often handle financial matters, aspiring recording studio managers also benefit from having a financial background. They are responsible for providing for all the necessary equipment and facilities required of a professional recording studio. The more contacts a Studio Manager has in the music business, the better the recording studio's chances of commercial success. They usually have an educational background in communication, broadcasting, music production or engineering. The starting salary of a studio manager is around Rs.4,00,000 per annum.
  • Instrumentalist: An Instrumentalist is a musician who plays one or more musical instruments and performs a variety of musical genres. The Instrumentalist may perform as a soloist or play in recitals with accompaniment, or as a member of a musical group such as an orchestra or a band. There will also be opportunities to perform in live performances and participate in recordings in music studios. There are several qualities that help in the success of an instrumentalist including a high level of education and experience in the field of music skill at playing one or more instruments, an ability to read musical sheets and play from them and adaption to the way they pay their instrument depending on the specific style desired by the audience. In order to be successful in this career, it is essential to be a flexible person and be willing to perform in front of many types of groups. While there is no specific educational requirement for an instrumentalist, they must be highly skilled at playing the instrument of their choice which can only come with years of practice and training. The income of an instrumentalist depends on the kind of instrument played by him/her.

If you have a passion for music, you can see there are a variety of careers related to music available. Each music career requires a unique skill set and other essential backgrounds. It is important to spend time figuring out which path is right for you. You can choose any of the above profession as your career according to your desire and interest.