
Management has become one of the most sorts after professional qualification among the graduates irrespective of the stream one has taken during one's graduation. Be it a commerce Graduate, an Arts Graduates or students who have done or are doing their Engineering or Science undergraduate degrees, a Post Graduate Management Course has become their first preference.

Going by the increasing inclination of the students towards management courses the Management Institutes having varied courses at postgraduate levels are also increasing every year. The finest Management colleges in India have achieved excellence in offering benchmark management education competing with management education in the other leading management institutes of the world.

The Management colleges in India offer various Graduate, Postgraduate Management like MBA and Diploma - like PGDM and PGP - programs followed by Doctorate Programs like P.hD in management or FPM to name a few.

Although most of the Post Graduate Management program is of two year duration yet they are called by different name like MBA - A Post Graduate Masters Degree Program, PGDM - A Post Graduate Diploma in Management- offered by some institutes, PGP - A two years Post Graduate Program- a flagship management program of India's prestigious Management Institutes  ie. Indian Institute of Management.  All these programs know by different names offering almost the same specialities, syllabus and duration do create confusion in the minds of Management Aspirants.

Thus here comes the frequently asked question from almost all postgraduate management program seekers. What is the difference between MBA and PGDM or PGP? Whether I should go for an MBA degree or PGDM will be more beneficial? If both MBA and PGDM or PGP are equivalent then why institutes are offering these courses considered to be same with different names. In short, everybody is seeking a comparison between these courses i.e MBA Vs PGDM Vs PGP.

Let start with the easy one. What is the difference between PGDM and PGP? The answer to this question is as simple as the question itself is. PGDM i.e Postgraduate Diploma in Management is equal to or equivalent to PGP i.e Post Graduate Program a flagship program of Indian Institute of Management in India and some of the other Top independent Management institutes. More or less the name PGP if given to PGDM programs of these prestigious institutes. So sometimes it is being also is PGP PGDM by these institutes. So there is nothing much to differentiate between these courses except their names and the names and level of institutes providing these courses.  Worth mentioning here that PGP's are exclusively offered by the IIM's thus the exclusive name coined for their postgraduate courses.

With the hope that the confusion between the PGDM's and PGP's offered by various management institutes is cleared by now, we move on to the next comparison and real one i.e why MBA and why not PGDM or the other way round?

The word Diploma in name might be creating an element of confusion in the minds of management aspirants as they are aware of the literal meaning and difference between the word “Degree” and Diploma” making it worth comparing and that too with great caution as there are more of similarities between these courses and some of the easily ignorable dissimilarities that can be left untraced if taken casually.  So let us have a look at these courses. To start with the common features of these courses:


Masters in Business Administration 

Post Graduate Diploma in Management 

Eligibility Conditions

A Bachelor's Degree from any recognized university (candidates appearing in the last year of graduation can also apply).

Candidates need to secure minimum 50% combined in the graduation (45% for reserved category).

Individual Universities may have the varying percentage of marks in their graduation.

A Bachelor's Degree from any recognized university (candidates appearing in the last year of graduation can also apply).

Candidates need to secure minimum 50% combined in the graduation (45% for reserved category).

Autonomous institutes may set varying percentage of marks in their graduation.  

An MBA degree if of 2 years with 2 to 3-month training program depending upon University to University. PGDM is a 2 years program spread over 4 semesters with 2 to 3 months training program depending upon the Institutions providing these programs.
Admission Process
Admission to this 2 year MBA degree is provided on the basis of the competitive exam taken by various UGC recognized university and affiliated institutes on the institutes level. However, some universities provide admission to MBA program on the basis of All India Level Exam like CAT, MAT etc.  Admission to PGDM is provided on the basis of the competitive exam taken the individual Institutions like XAT by XLRI. However most of the Autonomous institutes like IIM's etc. provide admission to PGDM program on the basis of All India Level Exam like CAT, MAT etc.


If there are so many commonalities then why two names for the same course. How a Masters degree is equivalent to and not exactly equal to a Post Graduate Diploma. Here lies the fine difference - between these practically equally acceptable management -courses which differentiate these course from each other and justify their different names.


MBA- A postgraduate degree program is offered only by the UGC recognized universities or the institutes affiliated with these universities. Universities like Punjab University or Amity university offers MBA programs.


However, colleges offering UGC recognized MBA Programmes in most cases should have AICTE approval.

PGDM - is offered by the Autonomous institutes - not affiliated to any University- as Institutes cannot offer MBA degree. Even IIMs, XLRI's doesn't offer MBA degrees they only give PGP Diploma or PGDM since they are autonomous and independent bodies.


However AICTE approved Business Schools can offer PGDM course and they need not be autonomous, the PGDM course will be autonomous given by the Institute & directly approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Govt of India.

Experience Required

No amount of experience is required to apply for the MBA program.

Although there are many PGDM or PGP program that does not require any kind of experience Yet many specialized PGDM or PGP programs require a certain amount of experience that may vary from 5 years to 15 years to take admission to.

The degree of Autonomy and Flexibility in Syllabus

Institutes providing MBA courses lack autonomy as they are associated with the university and bound by UGC rules and regulation. Updating courses frequently as per the requirements of changing business conditions is not so easy. Updations in the syllabus at the University level may happen even at a long interval of 3 to 5 years.

As a PGDM course is provided by Autonomous institutions, the curriculum can be updated regularly depending on the need in the Industry. Hence one can say that PGDM courses are more Industry relevant, up to date as compared to MBA courses.


Despite a large number of similarities in the curriculum MBA focuses more on theoretical aspects of management and is more exam-oriented.

PGDM has a focus on building soft skills and is industry-oriented. It prepares you for the job market.


The objective of the MBA course is to help in developing technical skills and business knowledge of the candidate.

PGDM will prepare graduates for senior level positions in industry and paves the way for a strong corporate career. Thus candidates looking for a career in the challenging area of management can opt for PGDM rather than an MBA degree.

Higher Degree/Qualification

Like all other conventional masters’ degree candidates after their, MBA can opt for Doctorate and do PhD in their interest of specialization.

PGDM holders, however, are not eligible for doing a PhD. However, they can go for FPM offered by most of the Autonomous institutes. FPM expanded as Fellow Program in Management is an equivalent to a PhD program offered by the institutes and universities controlled by UGC recognized institutes and universities.


As MBA is mostly offered by Universities or institutes associated with UGC the fee subsidized fee of these courses is within the reach of commoners and largely affordable. It ranges from few thousands to single digit lakhs.

PGDM being offered mostly by Autonomous institutes commands more fee varying from institute to institutes depending upon its demand in the industry. It may range from a few lakhs upwards making it unaffordable for some.

Top Institutions Providing these courses

Some of the Top Institutions/Universities providing MBA Degree are:

  1. Panjab University
  2. Kurukshetra University
  3. Amity University
  4. Delhi University


Some of the Top Institutions/Universities providing PGDM/PGP are:




With the hope that the confusion created by the term “Diploma” in the nomenclature of PGDM must have been banished to a larger extent and that the main reason why postgraduate courses offered even by IIM's or XLRI are named as PGDM is because an autonomous body cannot offer MBA degree. However, both courses command the same position as far as validity is concerned. However, students opting for PGDM courses must be double sure about the accreditation status of the colleges offering these courses. As institutes offering PGDM courses needs to be accredited by AICTE. However, some caution is required in case of MBA as the colleges should be affiliated to a University recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC) and the colleges may also get accredited by AICTE.

Finally, those who will be opting for MBA degree will be eligible to do PhD the Doctorate degree in line and FPM will be the next level for PGDM holders.