Enoughism - A Recent Theory


Enoughism is a theory according to which there is a point where consumers possess everything they need, and by buying more it actually makes their life worse off. Enoughism lays stress on less spending and more restraint in buying behaviour of consumers. Enoughism emerged recently in the United States and Europe and is gaining attention in Australia and New Zealand. The Theory of Enoughism is supported by people who are alarmed about the health of the planet and have decided to take personal responsibility and action., especially the pervasive influence of materialism on their lives. It is reflected in people's behaviour when they start switching things off, buying less stuff and seeking to reconnect with the simpler pleasures of life.

Enoughism: Founder and Principles

The term 'Enoughism' has been coined by John Naish, who is a writer and an editor. His book, 'Enough: Breaking Free from the World of More' published in January 2008 elaborates his theory in detail. Another proponent of this theory is Oliver James. He discusses his views in his book titled 'The Selfish Capitalist: Origins of Affluenza'. Naish and James have similar views. Both have an extreme hatred for popular consumption and a look down on consumerism. Both favour the exercise of self-restraint by the public and both see humans as fundamentally weak and feeble creatures.

According to Naish - The human species should be called Homo Expetens (‘wanting a man’) instead of Homo Sapiens (‘wise man’ or ‘thinking man’). People are characterized by their capacity to want, to desire, to covet, to yearn for and generally lust after

Naish’s view further elaborates that in the world of abundance, this never-ending state of desire leads us to terrible problems. These include compulsive acquisition disorder, harried women syndrome, information fatigue syndrome, and oniomania (buying addiction). Naish also admits that 'Sufficiency Skill' is a tricky one to master but necessary as it is the only way of ensuring our survival. If we don't learn to be content with what we have and continue seeking more, we are destined to doom.

He points out that we buy far too much stuff, for example, hobby items such as surfboards but then we realize we don't have time to use them. The more we earn, the more we complain about lack of time because we equate our high income with a sense of right to more leisure. And we feel resentful that time cannot be stretched. It is because of the fact that all the time is being used in working to acquire more things. When we combine an acute need to acquire more wealth with overwhelming ambition, work turns to drudgery and the process of Burn-Out is on its way. Often in Sales, we are able to buy a sandwich toaster, tea maker, electric guitar or foot spa and dozens of other objects but we never had the time to enjoy their comforts.

There is a Mass-Illusion which keeps the wheels of advanced corporate capitalism spinning us happily towards our doom as we live our life which is driven largely by consumerist desires. We consider Buying as the best form of worship and we are encouraged that with shopping comes salvation.

Criticism of Enoughism

The critics of Enoughism point out that there is more to living standards than our earnings. In spite of the widening of the Inequality of Income over the years, the living standards have also. The trends of Consumption shows that there can be a relative increase in inequality at the same time as an absolute improvement in living standards. People, today have access to a far wider range of consumer goods than back in the past.

Another argument that mental problems have increased rapidly in recent years is far from beyond dispute. The fact that a rapidly expanding number of people are being classified as mentally ill or depressed, is true. But this can be explained by a broad definition of mental illness rather than a genuine epidemic of depression. Deep sadness is a normal part of the human condition, especially by the loss of the loved one or betrayal. But is far off from a mental disorder. In reality, the definition of mental illness has been broadened exponentially and this has created the misleading impression of Mental Illness Epidemic.

To view Humans as fundamentally weak is a rather discouraging statement which might lead to a weak society. It is far better off to celebrate rather than condemn yourself of the qualities that make us humans. Instead of limiting our desires or curb our consumption, we should seek ways to make our lives better than it is.

Advantages of Enoughism

Some of the main advantages of Enoughism are:

  • Enoughism can make us understand that so many of our choices are based on the false gods of over-consumption. It will create awareness of our wasteful habits.
  • Emphasis on Quality among consumers and an emphasis on durability, versatility, and functionality will have more importance. It can lead to Responsible Consumption. People will get the recognition to be seen doing the right thing and associated with brands and products which reflect their take on enough.
  • The growth of values-driven Organizations will become a norm. Organizations will also become more connected with their communities, geographic wise or the wider community of employees, customers, and suppliers. 
  • It will give people more time with their immediate family and friends too.
  • Businesses will start recognizing the marketing and sales advantage of ethical, green, organic and sustainable products and services
  • It will build a socially, ethically and environmentally aware society devoid of the evils of mass-commercialism and globalization.